Zodiac Birthstones: History and Modern Adaptations

Zodiac Birthstones: History and Modern Adaptations
Posted On : 23 Aug

Zodiac birthstones have always captivated people’s interest as they combine astrology and the use of gems. Regarding stones, every one of them is believed to contain considerable traits of certain zodiac signs of people born. This blog will aim to explain the historical background of Birthstones by Zodiac signs and how the modern world has adopted them.


Historical Background


Romanticism or The way to associate gemstones with zodiac signs is as old as the ages. The information depends on the tradition that originates from the biblical period, beginning with the Book of Exodus, according to which the high priest wore a Breastplate with twelve stones. 

These stones represented the twelve tribes of Israel and they were later associated with the zodiac signs, making the first relationship between the two, that is gemstones and astrology.

In the 1st century AD, the Roman scholar Pliny the Elder recorded various gems and their characteristics in his Natural History “Roman thoughts associated gems with the heavens and the stars and it appears that these are foundational links, nevertheless, there’s also an empirical or scientific view”. 

In Europe, people adopted the culture of gemstones during the medieval period. They believed every one of them fulfilled certain functions according to astronomical associations. This period saw the bundling of gems with the Zodiac sign thus the Renaissance astrologers/alchemists penned down many prognoses on the stones. Today, finding Original Gemstones online is very difficult. 

Click on Labradorite Jewelry: A Guide to Styles and Trends and find out the modern ways to pull off this beautiful crystal. 


Modern Adaptations


Today, the tradition of zodiac birthstones is not as old as in older centuries, and all the stones presented today can be adjusted to the requirements of the present day, including the latest fashion trends. However, the original cultural connotations of the element are preserved to this day, even if today’s approach is all about the individual meaning, beauty, and healing properties of the associated item.


Personalization and Customization

Contemporary meanings of Zodiac birthstones mostly revolve around individuality and uniqueness. Hence, people do not only choose the gemstones based on their relevant zodiac signs, but they also pay attention to the shade, brightness, and how the stones affect them. Jewellery that is customized with zodiac stones has been in demand to make it possible for people to have their fashion and taste.


Healing and Wellness

In the modern world, people pay a lot of attention to gemstones and their supposed therapeutic influence. Original gemstones online purchases are often made to help people improve their psychological states and physical health since people believe that every birthstone has curative properties. 

For instance, Amethyst which is related to Pisces can improve the quality of calmness and intuition; Citrine which is associated with Leo helps boost the quality of personal power.


Fashion and Trends

Fashion trends have recently seen Zodiac birthstones as one of their favorite accessories. Such stones are used in the creation of jewelry by designers who attempt to mix the original meaning of the stones with the modern world and trends. Culturally, birthstone jewelry is optimal since it is not only gorgeous, but also has personal meaning, and may be given as a gift on a birthday or another festive event.


Cultural Significance

Birthstones and their cultural importance can be different in different countries. In some traditions, stones associated with peculiar types of crystal structures are believed to be able to create luck or protect from unlucky events. 

In other cases, they depict personality characteristics and positive qualities. For example, Ayurvedic practices include original gemstones online based on the assumption that they can restore the balance of energy and provide the benefits needed for health.


Astrological Practices

Today some astrologers try to find a correlation between the gemstone and the zodiac sign. In the current practice of astrology, birthstones are normally incorporated in the reading wherein the practitioner enlightens the client on how to use the stones in searching for spiritual and personal development. They are most commonly used in charts and as guidance, to get in tune with the cosmos.

Do you want to understand the modern ways to pull off a gemstone? Head to Ammolite in Jewelry: Designs, Trends, and Unique Features


Popular Zodiac Birthstones


Here’s a quick overview of some popular zodiac birthstones and their modern interpretations

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19): Diamond – It is chosen to represent the strength and clearness of Aries, as the sign is rather brave.

  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Emerald – Crystal that symbolizes beauty and health; in sync with Taurus’ tendencies to adore material values and stable work.

  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Pearl – As a symbol of wisdom, the pearl brings flexibility to make up for Gemini’s lack of the trait, although it also addresses their intellectual pursuit.

  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Ruby - This stone is highly associated with Cancer’s intensity and passion, which the stone embodies as well.

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22): Peridot – Concerning the Leo zodiac sign peridot symbolizes confidence and also personal development.

  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Sapphire - The stone that is sanctioned with Virgo is sapphire, which symbolically stands for wisdom and purity due to the mathematicians being so analytical and detail-oriented by nature.

  • Libra (September 23 - October 22): Opal - The light and delicate opal are the representative of Libra’s wish for a harmonious and unified universe.

  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Topaz - The crystal Topaz is associated with the understanding of the signs, increasing the relationship with the Scorpio sign.

  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Turquoise - Blue color represents the adventure, on which predominantly singular travelers like Sagittarius move or the high plateau that their spirit has been blown to, so the two blend well together.

  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Garnet - The achievement of Garnet is linked to the strength of the will because the animals of Capricorn are very powerful-minded and have strict behavior.

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Amethyst - The Amethyst’s color goes perfectly with the color of the vibrations Aquarius has, which helps it to strengthen its character side of creativity, ideas, and inspiration of choices.

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Aquamarine - Aquamarine is particularly relevant to the concepts of intuition and spiritual healing, which are in harmony with the Pisces’ love for art as well as their ability to explore the spiritual dimension.

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The concept of zodiac birthstones involves historical meaning alongside perceived meaning in the contemporary world. Thus, birthstones are not an exception: these stones are popular not only in biblical epochs but also in the epoch of fashion and wellness. 

No matter the reasons people find an interest in zodiac birthstones for their history, their self-identification, or their beauty, it can be used as a tool to increase one’s spiritual development.