What is the Auralite 23 Amethyst Gemstone?
Posted On : 26 Jun

Few gemstones can capture our imagination quite like the Auralite Amethyst Stone. This incredible and powerful crystal is starting to get the recognition it deserves for being a beautiful and fantastic stone with great metaphysical power.

Today we are going to cover what is Auralite? and its formation, characteristics, and uses. When you understand the stone, you can understand why you might want to have it in your life or why it is significant to your journey.

What Is Auralite?

Auralite is a very rare and high-demand crystal with over 23 different minerals, hence the name Auralite 23. Found only in Canada, in the Auralite mine, this stone is considered to be the most powerful and transformative stone of the mineral kingdom.

So, what is Auralite? A Natural Power of Multiple Minerals Combined in the Amethyst Stone. Amethyst has a unique combination in this stone, with the multiple minerals combined to do the ultimate healing work in a very small stone.

Auralite 23 Amethyst Origin Formation

Auralite Amethyst Stone comes into existence in the groves of boreal forests of Canada, in the Auralite Mine, a place that contains an incredible amount of this extraordinary mineral.

Geological Formation

  • Location: Auralite 23 is found mainly in the Auralite Mine of Auralite Mine located in Ontario, Canada.
  • Nature of stone: This crystal is thought to be at least 1.2 billion years old, formed during the Precambrian age.
  • Mineral Composition: Auralite 23 has an array of 23 minerals blended into one stone, some of which are 
  •  Amethyst
  • Citrine
  • Quartz
  • Lepidocrocite
  • Cacoxenite
  • Hematite
  • Magnetite
  • Pyrite

These elements are responsible for the stone's strong metaphysical properties, and its distinctive visual qualities.

Auralite 23 Amethyst Gemstone

Unique Features

  • 23 Mineral Composition: Contains a rich composition of 23 different types of minerals which is not the case with regular Amethyst Crystals.
  • Color and Inclusions: This stone presents a vibrant palette, ranging from rich purples to pale lavenders, usually with dramatic red and gold inclusions caused by hematite and other minerals.
  • Energetic Synergy - The stones contain the depth and layers that make using this stone so powerful in metaphysical practices.

Auralite 23 Amethyst Characteristics

Visual Appeal

The striking look of numerous inclusions makes each piece of auralite amethyst stone one of a kind, visually.

  • The shade of colors: Intense purples, lavender, red, gold, and sometimes green, and blue tones.
  • Inclusion: The presence of hematite, cacoxenite, and other minerals gives it an impressive look.
  • Luster: Vitreous in polished sections.

Physical Properties

  • Hardness: Auralite 23 also has a Moh hardness of 7 with other Amethyst Crystals.
  • Crystal Structure: Hexagonal.
  • Mass: ~2.65 g/cm³, equivalent to quartz.

Metaphysical Properties

The Auralite Amethyst Stone is sacred not only for its beauty but also for its metaphysical properties. Some important Auralite Benefits are:

  • Spiritual Awakening: Auralite Amethyst is said to take one to higher spiritual realms during meditation, enhancing the meditative state, and awakening humanity to the divinity within just like a pearl.
  • Energy Distributor: The Amethyst Crystal is ideal for attracting positive healing energy, this stone helps to rejuvenate and heal physically, mentally, and emotionally; reduces stress and helps to balance the body's energies.
  • Protective: This talisman has powerful protective energies against many negative forces.
  • Purification: Auralite is believed to be a stone that breaks old patterns, encouraging positive change.
Auralite 23 Amethyst Gemstone

Uses Of Auralite 23 Amethyst


The Auralite Amethyst Stone is beautiful and rare and as such, is highly coveted in jewelry making. We can use it as :

  • Rings
  • Necklaces
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets

A combination of colors swirls through Auralite Amethyst Stone jewelry; each piece looks so different, so original, making this a unique item to wear.

Healing Practices

Auralite Amethyst Stone is a commonly used crystal for healing purposes. Practitioners use it for:

  • How to Balance Chakras: Place the stone on each chakra site (or lay the stone on the chakra with its point toward your head for a few minutes to realign the chakra sites.
  • Meditation: One can either hold the stone while meditating or can place it close by during meditation for deeper spiritual experiences enhanced focus and peace of mind
  • Grids: Including Auralite 23 in energy grid work to enhance healing energies.


The Auralite Amethyst Stone has a higher price on the market because of its uniqueness and its rare composition, so collectors have a high interest in it. Every bit of this rock tells a tale of its history, how it was formed in ancient times, and what the element arrangement is in its most intricate manner.

Auralite 23 Amethyst Care


It is necessary to clean your Auralite Amethyst Stone periodically to retain its beauty and functionality.

  • Use The Mild Soap Solution: Clean the stone with a mild soap solution and lukewarm water.
  • Wipe Down the Sink: To avoid soap scum and water stains make sure to wipe down the sink with a gentle soft cloth and no harsh chemicals that could hurt the stone.
  • Dry the Stone: Use a soft clean cloth to dry the stone to prevent water spots.


You need to store your Auralite Amethyst Stones properly to avoid them from being damaged.

  • Dry, cool place: Keep your amethyst in a cool and dry place away from the direct sunlight as exposure to UV rays can fade its vivid colors.
  • Soft Pouch or Box: Store in a soft pouch or padded jewelry box to prevent scratching or other damage.


Take care while using your Auralite Amethyst Stone so you can preserve its look.

  • Avoid Rough Handling: While the stone is quite hard, rough handling can simply cause chips and cracks.
  • Active Examination: Check the stone from time to time for damage or wear and tear.
Auralite 23 Amethyst Gemstone


Captivating with its amazing metaphysical properties and the beauty of its vivid color spectrum, the Auralite Amethyst Stone is truly one of a kind. 

Comprehending what is Auralite? benefits in appreciating its appearance, features, and the multiple benefits it offers. No matter what you use it for, whether it is used as a healing crystal in spiritual sessions, as jewelry, or merely a home decor, the Auralite Amethyst Stone is an amazing crystal that persists to fascinate and 

enlighten those who experience it. Get your hands on this amazing crystal from Cabochons for sale as we sell the finest grade of gemstones.


Q: What makes the Auralite Amethyst Stone so special? 

A: This gem is special because it comes from the auralite mine in Canada and consists of 23 different minerals creating a powerful synergy of energies.

Q: How to practice with Auralite 23 in daily life?

A: You can even wear Auralite jewelry so that you carry its healing and transformative qualities with you wherever you go.

Q: Why is Auralite so important?

A: Auralite Amethyst stone helps in spiritual growth and emotional and mental healing.