What Are The Types Of Citrine Gemstones?

What Are The Types Of Citrine Gemstones?
Posted On : 19 Jul

Hello, fellow gemstone enthusiasts! Today, let’s draw a bold colorful line into the fluorescent world of citrine gemstone splendor. Citrine has a nice warm golden glow and indeed there is nowhere else that light loves to be stored as much as with Citrine. 

It’s such a small abstract concept that you can take around with you in a pocket you will see. This blog is about learning many different types of Citrine.


A Brief Glimpse into Citrine's History and Lore


It is, however, important to pay some attention first to the history and also lore associated with citrine crystal which will be discussed in the next section. This interesting gemstone has been in use for tens of thousands of years. 

The ancient Greeks thought citrine could contain the bounty of the sun and was linked to Apollo, the deity of light and the sun. Citrine crystal is one of the most worn gemstones from the Victorian Times and is associated with vigor, health, well-being, and everything positive. 

Just like Garnet, there are many types of Citrine as well. Today, this stone is fascinating with its splendid, sunny color – citrine.


Natural Citrine: The Golden Gem of Nature


  • There is little raw citrine around, and very few gem-quality stones have been found. This variety is produced when amethyst or smoky quartz is subjected to natural heat treatment still in the crust of the earth. 
  • The outcome is therefore a gemstone ranging from yellow to a light golden brown hue. Natural citrine stone can be anywhere from pale yellow to the strong amber shade and each of these tones is just as beautiful.


  • Of all the natural gemstones, citrine is the rarest of them all and here we are going to discuss more of the natural citrine. 
  • Naturally occurring citrine is about as rare as hen’s teeth, and to find it growing in the wild is a treasure indeed. 
  • When you have the piece of the natural citrine crystal in your hand you are having a piece of the gemstone that formed in the heart of the Earth over millions of years under intense heat. 
  • It can be considered as a sandbox of the world’s processes as well as a fragment of the Earth’s history.


Heat-Treated Amethyst: The Commonly Found Citrine


Amethyst when exposed to heat, turns to the color of gold which is of citrine. 

  • This treatment is to improve the color and bring the citrine closer to the general public for lovers of gemstones.
  • Heat-treated citrine is usually less varied in color than natural citrine. 


  • This can vary widely in color from a very pale yellow to a more orange-brown and the gem is usually very shiny and transparent. 
  • Although it is not as scarce as raw citrine, heat-treated citrine equally has this beauty and warmth that is associated with the gemstone.


Madeira Citrine: The Rich and Fiery Gem


  • Madeira citrine has its name from Madeira Islands wines that are vibrant in color. 
  • This type of citrine is known to have a deeper color of orange all the way to red-brown shade. 
  • It is as if the center spot contains the warm glow of a setting sun – a fierce, bright, almost sultry look.

madeira citrine

  • Due to the high visibility, jewelers and gemstone lovers tend to prefer Madeira citrine more than any other colored gemstone. 
  • It is a bright, associative stone that makes an emotion and desire for action shine. 
  • If you have made yourself a Madeira citrine jewelry piece then you are saying it loud and clear, you are an individual with the fire in your heart.


Lemon Quartz: The Zesty Delight


  • This beautiful stone is traditionally connected to the concepts of happiness, purity, and optimism. 
  • Even its color is invigorating as if it is provoking a person to get some sunlight, so this stone will suit those who need a sparkling stone.
  • Lemon quartz compared to other quartz is usually found in larger sizes and therefore right for large statement jewelry. 

lemon quartz citrine

  • You can picture this pendant with a large round lemon quartz that gives out a warm, natural light – like carrying a light bulb! 
  • This gemstone has a vibrant hue that gives the wearer a cheerful disposition which is surely welcome in any ensemble.


Paler Shades: The Subtle Elegance


All citrine gemstones bear the same shades of yellow and orange like the more familiar yellow sapphires that are as bright as the sun and as warm as ‘Tang’. The versatilities include others that show lighter shades of yellow than the others as almost pastel. 


These lighter citrines have just as much elegance as the deeper ones, though in a less aggressive way. The pastel shades give a sphere of calmness and aesthetic to be kind and gentle to ourselves and other people.

Desaturated light yellow looks even better, pale citrine is the best choice for those who want to have a more subtle appearance. It’s a stone that does not scream rather it essays sophistication and a more classy look. Some pink shades of this stone’s pale hue remind people of Rhodochrosite


Citrine's Healing and Metaphysical Properties


Citrine crystal, in turn, is not just appreciated for the hues it possesses but also for its supposed curative and otherworldly qualities. Being one of the varieties of quartz crystals, citrine is often referred to as the “Merchant’s Stone” due to its ability to attract wealth and success. 

It is being allegedly used to stimulate creativity, unclouded intellect, and individual determination. Most people believe that if the citrine crystal is carried or worn in body accessories, it would help one to be full of confidence and would help one be more enthusiastic and this makes the piece of jewelry to be on high demand for those who wish to prosper in their endeavors.

Furthermore, raw citrine is connected to the solar plexus chakra which is the power spot of the body and the source of confidence. If citrine gemstone is used in meditation or placed on the solar plexus, then it is believed that it would resolve negative energy and boost strength and confidence. 

Whether one buys the folklore of gemstones or just loves stones, citrine is a perfect mixture of both.


Caring for Your Citrine Gemstones

To keep your citrine birthstones looking their best, follow these simple tips:


1. Avoid Prolonged Sun Exposure: 

Place your citrine jewelry in a dry, protected area, and away from sunlight as well, when you are not using it.


2. Gentle Cleaning: 

To clean the citrine birthstones, you need to wash them in warm water mixed with soap then use a soft brush. Do not use acid cleaners or permit your jewelry to come in contact with ultrasonic baths since they may harm the material.


3. Handle with Care: 

Thus, citrine is pretty robust, but one still needs to be careful about scratching or chipping the stone. It is recommended not to wear citrine ornaments during those activities that can impose shock or rubbing practice.

With proper care for the citrine gemstones, they will stay as attractive as the moment you never saw them for the first time.


Embracing Citrine in Your Life


Citrine’s cheerful disposition and the wide variety of hues that it comes in instantly make one’s heart melt with its beauty. If one likes natural citrine because of its rarity or Madeira citrine, which has splendid warm shades, or lemon quartz, which gives the viewer a refreshing and optimistic mood, then everyone will find something to their taste.

Introduce citrine birthstones into your daily life by wearing pieces of jewelry with the stone, enhance your home with the citrine, or use it for mediations. It gives a smile, and the sparkle that comes with it is enough to make the dreariest day shine. 

So every time you look at the citrine gemstone, you will be holding a burning desire from the belly of the earth, that constant precipitation of the natural forces that form our world.




Among all the varieties of gemstones, citrine enjoys a rather warm and sunny reputation. This has its strength in the fact that it comes in many different colors and types ranging from the passionate-looking Madeira citrine to the somewhat casual and weak pale yellow. 

Thus, different types of citrine have their characteristics and can be considered as fascinating as well as rather versatile gemstones. We hope now you understand all types of Citrine

When considering styles and variations of citrine gemstones, it is best to be mesmerized by citrine gems and the history associated with them.




1. Is Citrine a naturally occurring stone?

It can be, but it is observed that this gemstone is mostly treated by heat on an amethyst stone or sometimes a quartz of smoky nature. 

2. What are the types of Citrine Gemstones?

There are many types of this gemstone but some of them are Madeira, Lemon Quartz, and Heat-treated Amethysts.