What are the Best Healing Gemstones for Each Zodiac Sign?

What are the Best Healing Gemstones for Each Zodiac Sign?
Posted On : 22 Aug

For thousands of years across various cultures worldwide, gemstones and crystals have been regarded as living entities and used for healing. It happens that these gemstones work under distinct vibes associated with spiritual healing that are correlated with zodiac signs. If you want to know more about the insightful abilities of time-turning crystal-shaped gemstones, here is a guide on the way through the skylight.


Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Gemstone: Topaz

Under the hot and challenging hand of Mars, Aries becomes wild, volatile, and ever-changing. Topaz gets its energy from its radiant and lively colors and thus is the one to choose them. This beautiful blue and purple crystal helps with negative vibes. 


The solar plexus chakra ignites in them causing them to feel more powerful and self-confident. Arians, such as the topaz, strengthen their aggressive energy in a way that gets them closer to their aims and goals by supporting them. Opal stone is also another gem that helps with self-esteem. 


Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Gemstone: Rose Quartz

The sign is associated with the Earthly element and as such it embodies fixedness, sensuality, and beauty in everything. The Rose Quartz crystal is connected with painless love, and it is precisely the way that Taurus is in a caring and loving environment that it works. 


This helps one boost self-compassion, empathy, as well as emotional recovery. Assisting Taurus to focus on such rose quartz helps them to fall into peacefulness within their social interactions thus improving it, which also offers them the light of peace and the support of safety they always have. The amethyst stonealso helps with safety and calmness. 

Learn more about other stones and click on Topaz: The Gem of Clarity and Strength


Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemstone: Amethyst

Mercury governs Gemini, an adaptable sign and a genius when it comes to speech. Amethyst gemstone, a crystal that enhances clarity and spiritual consciousness, assists Gemini in the activity of the mind and the acquisition of light. 


This technique cuts down on anxiety and fear, both of which may clutter Gemini's thoughts. Along with these amethyst gemstones, gut feelings increase and the emotional stability of the two-faced men is taken to a higher level.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Gemstone: Moonstone

Cancer is governed by the Moon, which directs the internal link to feelings, gut instincts, and the notion of home. Sailing with the theme of the cyclical life of the waxing and waning of the moonstone gems is this sign of the zodiac. 

Moonstone dramatically improves the "3rd eye" that extends the intuition and enlightenment of the people who own it. The stone can be used as a transcendent tool that Cancer people utilize to express their own emotions and bring comfort in times of emotional disturbance. 

cancer gemstone- moonstone

Also, people can use it to enhance the appearance of self-expression, this way making Cancer much more caring leading to them being completely calm and steady. The Opal stone also helps with expressing a person’s feelings. 


Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Gemstone: Citrine

Leo is followed by the Sun, a planet that is reachable from the Earth but is the closest to the Earth known for vibrant souls and people with high intellectual potential. Citrine, the "Power Stone," aptly complements Leon's impulsive, yet, self-assured nature. It ignites, re-energizes, and enhances the feeling of self-worth and power. 


Citrine does not only boost an individual's creativity but also gives them the ability to make substantial amounts of money, which for Leos is advantageous as they go big in their pursuits and ambition.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Gemstone: Peridot

Virgo, whose primary planet is Mercury, has a reputation that is highly attributed to its sharp mind's eye for detail, as well as its down-to-earth approach. The bright green peridot, which is a stone that perfectly matches Virgo's character, by assisting healing and changing the problem. The purple stone of Amethyst also helps in bringing out the best of people. 


This stone assists the problems associated with being overworked and being under a lot of pressure. It is this stone that creates a characteristic of Virgo that opens the gate for old habits and new ones to be welcomed. Peridot increases the clarity of the thought processes and the emotional health thus doubling the effect of Virgo chasing after harmony and getting things done.

Want to know more about different features and trends in other crystals, head to Ammolite in Jewelry: Designs, Trends, and Unique Features


Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Gemstone: Lapis Lazuli

Libra, which is ruled by Venus, really values balance, aesthetics, and connections. Lapis Lazuli by showing blue and gold hues depicts honesty and wisdom. It enhances communication and self-expression which are the main characteristics of Libra's people skills and tact. This blue and purple stone elevates the mind. 


This piece of stone also calms the inner side of the human being and even leads unto the path of spiritual elevation and spirituality, which in return brings balance for Libra in their friendships and personal lives. The Opal stone is also beneficial for the Libra Zodiac. 


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Gemstone: Labradorite

Scorpio is a deep, intense, and transformative quality of Pluto and Mars. Labradorite, which is the gem that brings about change and provides the cover, is very dynamic and matches well with Scorpio's energetic nature. This blue and purple crystal brings out the most positive energies. 


This stone is responsible for disclosing to the person the hidden knowledge as well as the power to rely on intuition to harness tightly the personal power that is needed for spiritual growth. It also helps to align the emotions and protect Scorpio from the negative impact of other people, something they often feel obligated to deal with. The Amethyst Gemstone is also helpful when it comes to bringing out inner strength. 


Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Gemstone: Turquoise

Sagittarius is governed by Jupiter, is a live wire, and wants to be free. Turquoise, the bright blue-green stone, magnifies Sagittarius's natural liveliness and desire for exploration. It empowers Sagittarius to communicate and open up in this way it is easy for them to present their bold ideas and theories.


The blue-green gem assists in emotional healing and negativity protection thus enabling Sagittarius to handle their challenges with trust and a clear mind.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Gemstone: Garnet

Capricorn is loyal to Saturn, and it is known to be very disciplined, ambitious, and practical. Garnet is a stone that adds stability and regeneration which makes Capricorns to be more oriented towards their goals. 


Garnet has an influence on motivation, self-confidence, and perseverance that stimulates Capricorn's activities to conquer challenges on the road to the achievement of their goals. 

On the other hand, garnet is a powerful remedy against emotional disturbances, giving Capricorn vital strength for taking up difficult goals. Other gems that help with emotional problems are Amethyst and Opal stones. 


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Gemstone: Quartz 

Aquarius, being ruled by Uranus, is mainly celebrated for its peculiar innovative ideas, freedom, and an unerring devotion to the intellect. The clear quartz crystal enhances these properties that Aquarius possesses and gives it the ability to realize how different the physical world is from the world of spiritual growth and education. 


We can, therefore, sparkle (along with) light our intelligence to see through materials to other winsome aspects of life, such as increasing our spiritual growth, light, and well-controlled emotions. 

For Aquarius, the smoky quartz stone will give their creative thinking a lift and make them develop a deeper link to their intuition. The Amethyst gemstone helps with spiritual awakening and emotional imbalances.  


Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Gemstone: Aquamarine

Pisces, under the ruler Neptune, manifests kindness, insight, and creativity. It is primarily the soft, and soothing light blue-green color of aquamarine, the healing power of this stone, that reflects the natural gentle, and compassionate aspects of their character. 

It is the elemental stone for emotional healing, developing intuition, nurturing the spiritual self, and balancing the Polarity of the Heart Chakra. This brings peace to the soul and tunes it to the harmonious vibration of the zodiac. 


The angel in the aquamarine crystal allows them to experience all of these and with it, their imagination and heartfelt feelings will become more serene. This will coincidentally encourage vibrancy while also augmenting emotional steadiness.

Are you constantly looking for high-end gemstones? Look no more, because CabochonsForSale is your ultimate destination for all things gems. 



Each zodiac sign possesses unique qualities, which could be soothed and enhanced further with certain healing gemstones. Wearing such stones daily or during meditation may guide humans toward happiness, kindness, and compassion. Keep in mind that it is not the gemstones that do magic; magic is within yourself.