Tourmaline: The Rainbow Gemstone With Endless Varieties

Tourmaline: The Rainbow Gemstone With Endless Varieties
Posted On : 31 Jul

Those who have not seen a tourmaline then what have they seen? It is a group of silicate minerals with various colors, having vitreous luster, and can display transparent to translucent transparency. Its range of colors and amazing properties make it more valuable and desirable.

What Is A Tourmaline?

Tourmaline gemstone is a versatile and shadeful gemstone with unique optical and electrical properties mined chiefly in Brazil, many parts of Africa, and Asian countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. 

It mostly belongs to the black category of colors but can range from colorless to various colors. It is a crystalline material that belongs to the cyclosilicate mineral group and is composed of complex borosilicate. It has been cherished for its beautiful appearance and versatility.

The thing that makes a tourmaline gemstone truly appealing is its remarkable diversity, forming a family with an array of different characters. The tourmaline family presents a beautiful rainbow of colors and characteristics, from the cool tranquil blues of indicolite to the deep red allure of rubellite.

If tourmaline is so wonderful, imagine the level of wonders its varieties can show. Let's know about them. It is a birthstone for October just like Aurora Opal

Tourmaline Stones

The Amazing Varieties Of Tourmaline

Tourmaline gemstone comes with a number of varieties. Each variety comes with amazing properties and meanings associated with them. These varieties are:

Indicolite Tourmaline

Indicolite is a beautiful and infrequent indigo-blue-colored variety of the natural tourmaline gemstone. It is one of the most sought-after by jewelry designers and series collectors. When viewed down the crystal, indicolite is strongly pleochroic and appears darker. It is difficult to cut Indicolite even for experienced cutters. Poor cutting can result in a loss of transparency and brightness. Indicolite is a strong healing gemstone. It is extremely beneficial for those born in October because it is an October birthstone.

Elbaite Tourmaline

Elbaite can be available in colors like vibrant greens, rich reds, deep blues, and pinks. This specimen was found in Tourmaline Queen Mine. The name given to its pink variety is Rubellite. It is formed under high pressure and temperature in an environment rich in liquids, often in the cavities of rocks. 

The durability of elbaite crystal makes it ideal for various kinds of jewelry. It possesses pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties.

Elbaite Tourmaline

Schorl Tourmaline

When other minerals are transformed by pressure and heat, Schorl is formed in such an environment. It is often found in long, slender crystals and has a glassy luster. It also possesses pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties. It has been useful in pressure-measuring equipment and other industrial applications. 

Also, it has been used for scientific research for its ability to tolerate pressure and temperature. Its transparency can be transparent or translucent if sliced in thin pieces.

Scorl Tourmaline

Dravite Tourmaline

Dravite is one of the most underrated types of tourmaline. It is mostly brown and usually found in shades of light yellow to brown to dark. The reason behind its shades of color is the presence of magnesium in its chemical structure. 

It can be opaque and surprisingly clear as well. Its grounding appearance is the most valuable thing. Dravite is formed in metamorphic rocks or pegmatites of Australia or Austria.


 Liddicoatite Tourmaline

There was a time when Liddicoatite was considered a type of elbaite. But later, further studies revealed that it is a separate type because of its different chemical composition. It has unique and striking color combinations like a mix of Pink, green, blue, and even black with a single crystal. Its name is after a renowned gemologist known as Richard T. Liddicoat. 

The reason behind its distinct appearance is its complex chemical composition. Its unique patterns are the reason for its value in the market. It can display multiple colors in intricate patterns. If one has to find the best quality of Liddicoatite, then Madagascar is the best location. It can also be found in the USA and California.

Liddicoatite Stone

Rubellite Tourmaline

Rubellite is also formed in granite pegmatites and metamorphic rocks, environments rich in minerals. The transparency and clarity of Rubellite can vary with some stones being bright and some being opaque. It's not like other colored gemstones; its color remains consistent under different lighting conditions. 

What makes it desirable is its depth of colors which is often compared to fine rubies. Brazil is their main origin where they are commonly found. California and Marines in the USA are also two major sources of Rubellite.

Rubellite Stone

Uvite Tourmaline

An environment rich in magnesium and calcium forms Uvite. Unlike the elongated crystals of other tourmalines, its crystal structure tends to form in short, stubby crystals. Uvite was once thought to be a type of dravite due to its color. But later, it was discovered that it has a different crystal structure and composition.

Its deep rich colors and rarity have raised its value in the market. If one has to find the best quality of Uvite then Brazil is the best location.


We can conclude that tourmaline is a versatile and shadeful gemstone with unique optical and electrical properties mined chiefly in Brazil, many parts of Africa, and Asian countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia. Tourmaline crystal has many amazing varieties each with unique characteristics.

Only tourmaline gemstone has many varieties that can mesmerize the entire world with their charm and charisma.  Each variety has its uniqueness, properties, tourmaline meaning and range of colors that can make our life as colorful as them. To gain tourmaline benefits you should include this stone in your life.