Purple Amethyst: The Mystical Gem
Posted On : 21 Jun

To visualize it, imagine yourself alone at the shore of a lake that is as still and as smooth as glass on an early morning with the mist rising from it. Firmly in the palm of your hand, a shard of the beauty and mystery of the universe glitters a purple amethyst, which contains the cosmos’ lore. 

The amethyst stone, in this regal purple shade, promises an ancient tale that is set within the realms of civilizations that are long lost, mystic energy, and the deep rest that can be had when guided by the stone.

A Glimpse into History

Amethyst stone is one of the varieties of quartz which, it should be noted, has a rather bright and interesting history for its color. This cute name has been derived from the Greek word “Amethystos,” which, at its rudimentary level, can be translated as ‘not intoxicated’ and has a reference to the Greek God called Dionysus. 

The stonework has a story behind it; Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and intoxicated, was in a chase of a virgin woman called Amethystos; the lady in question remained chaste hence turning to the goddess Artemis for protection. 

Artemis turned her into a white stone to save her saying that she used to be human. Dionysus regretted so they said that he poured wine on the stone, which he stained purple and thus formed the purple Amethyst.

It dates back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, Egyptians as well as medieval Europeans people wore amethyst crystal not only for its aesthetic value but also for its believed powers that offered protection and healing. 

The clergy of the Catholic Church, including bishops, used to wear amethyst rings, and some people believed that the gem could help avoid mystical drunkenness and maintain reasonable valor. 

The warrior would take an amulet of amethyst crystal into the operational theater, in the hope that the stone would give one clear vision and brave heart.

The Enchantment of Color

It’s the soothing, yet rousing effect that the opalescent spectrum of purple has on people. This adds to amethyst stone benefits in general. 

This includes colors from pale shades of purple like lavender and light purple to intense shades of purple like purple which has traces of brown. 

  • These features are caused by irradiation, impurities containing iron, and the introduction of trace elements. 
  • There is nothing more precious than those that have a deep, full shade of purple with secondary burnt red and cobalt blue highlighted zones; such stones are known as ‘Siberian’ amethyst stones based on the origin of some of the best samples discovered in Siberia.
  • It is precisely like possessing a piece of ‘twilight’ – the transition from day to night, when everything is blessed with the appeal of soft hues of purple. 
  • In it, there was a natural absence of stillness: the calm of the pearl appears to be vibrant in some way, to hum with an enigmatic biological beat.
Purple Amethyst

Mystical and Healing Properties

Various attributes give purple amethyst the sobriety of being referred to as the “stone of spirituality and felicity.” Enhanced meditative state, amplification of metaphysical prospects, and balancing of physical and emotional ups and downs constitute some of the understood associations of this stone. Learn these amethyst stone benefits.

  • It belongs in one’s crown chakra – a chakra that is attributed to states of transcendence – spirituality or saintliness.
  • If one’s goal is to find solace and focus in a sea of anxiety and chaos, amethyst’s gentle energy never falters. 
  • It is also known to bring about the removal of negative energy and also sharpen the person’s intuition. 
  • Thus when in mediation with the amethyst crystal the mind undergoes a process of opening to greater perception and decreases the sense of anxiousness.
  • Also, amethyst stone is well known for having various uses and benefits within the realm of physical healing. It was used by ancient healers to purify the body; they believed that the substance would cleanse the liver, kidneys, and blood. 
  • Today, source-energy practitioners agree that purple amethyst wards off sickness and assuages headaches and sleeping disorders.
  •  In cases of insomnia, it was believed that placing amethyst under the pillow the night before would help reduce it and help one have good dreams.

Amethyst in Modern Life

Throughout the century, amethyst crystals have retained the ability to charm people and serve as an inspiration in the contemporary era. It is particularly popular in the creation of jewelry and decorative items, and it is adored by many folks. 

While small pendants and earrings may be discreetly adorning a lady’s neck without drawing much attention, a ring or a statue carved out of amethyst crystal which has intricate carvings all around it is a sight to behold.

Amethyst stone geodes and clusters as well as other specimens of stones are popularizable as sources of energy apart from being artistically appealing for interior design purposes. 

A very large polished purple amethyst gemstone with a smooth surface may be placed in a room and constantly noticed by individuals passing by, and the room gets a calm feeling attached to it. 

Other workplace wearers or those who have them at meditation areas bring smaller clusters to their working or meditation areas to bring a touch of serenity into their daily lives.

Purple Amethyst

Caring for Your Amethyst

Daily cleaning and maintenance of your purple amethyst gemstone are ideal to ensure that the crystal maintains its highest vibration and ability to cleanse negativity and heal your environment. 

Nevertheless, it has a relatively high hardness: amethyst’s hardness is 7 on the Mohs scale; thus, it is recommended not to hold the stone under direct sunlight for a long time as this detracts from its beautiful color.

For energetic cleansing, you might just wash the stone under warm running water or place it under warm light during a full moon night with some warm water. Some choose to put their amethyst on a bed of sea salt overnight and others prefer to use the smoke from burnt sage to clean it. 

The choice is between the method that one personally prefers and the one that the individual holds close to their heart for the stone in consideration.

Personal Reflections

Gems do not belong to this world; they are truly otherworldly and there is something intrinsically private with a companion one establishes with an amethyst. Each stone is singular; its creation developed through deep time by the workings of the earth’s metallurgic forge. 

Just as amethyst is infused with the essence of the universal order, so can the artifact infuse the individual with a sense of the divine or at least divine revelation surrounding the gift from the earth.

In terms of the shapes and their meanings, I didn’t necessarily find anything extraordinary as I became older since I began my research in the field of crystallography. It was pro-learning as I learned to meditate with it, controlling the flow of my thoughts in a bid to reach out to the deeper me.

Purple Amethyst


In a world that is full of controversies, the purple amethyst helps to create a sense of calm and manage the confusion that might be present. We told you about the amethyst stone benefits in this blog. 

The darkness of its purple color returns the need and appreciation for the hidden beauty, the mystery in the ground, and the mystery in people’s hearts. 

For the lovers of beautiful gemstones, there is something about amethysts that pulls at the heartstrings and souls: Is it because of the beauty of the stone, the beauty of history behind them, or the mysticism that has been associated with this stone?

When you have an amethyst in your hands, recall the importance of what you are holding—a gemstone born from the depths of the earth with the sun’s energy, experienced the beginnings and the ends of countless civilizations, brilliant twinkling of stars in the sky and the endless cycle of life. 

Harmonize it and let it become your compass as you journey towards uncovering yourself and finding solace.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Cleanse And Care For My Amethyst?

Avoid direct sunlight, cleanse it with water, salt, or sage smoke. You should only use mild detergents. 

Where Are High-Quality Purple Amethysts Found?

You can find these gemstones all over the globe, namely in places like Brazil, Uruguay, Russia, and the USA.