Paraiba Tourmaline: Everything You Need To Know

Paraiba Tourmaline: Everything You Need To Know
Posted On : 10 Jul

The Paraiba Tourmaline is so unimaginably rare and beautiful. If you go search for it right now, it is one of the most demanded and loved gemstones in the entire world. Its distinctive and lively shades as well as some chemical qualities make it loved by all gem and jewelry lovers. 

In this blog post, we will look at the basics of the Paraiba Tourmaline, tracing its roots, discussing its physical properties, and understanding tourmaline gemstone: meaning, types, and properties. And reviewing the factors as to why it is one of the most valuable stones in the world.


Where Did The Paraiba Tourmaline Come From?


This discovery stirred the gem world to the core with a newly kindled excitement as the green-blue saturation of the tourmaline was unprecedented. This helps us understand the real tourmaline meaning.

The nature and quality of such raw materials were evident at the Mina da Batalha discovery site where the tourmalines shone neon-like even in poor light. One such stone with an amazing existence is called Kyanite. It is extremely rare to find in purity. 

After the discovery, more deposits were found in other provinces of Africa and also in other countries like Mozambique, Nigeria, etc. However, the most popular and appreciated is the Brazilian tourmaline Paraiba due to its historical and quite exceptional characteristics.


What Are The Unique Properties Of The Paraiba Tourmaline?


1)  Colors And Hues

It has the most unique color. And this very rare color and unique shade make sure it has a lot of customers. These hues could be very different and these shades are very resembling of Neon. A little bit blue, sometimes green, and the most rare shade of turquoise. 

This distinctive coloration is attributed to the fact that the mineral in question contains sporadic impurities of copper and manganese. These different shades add to the tourmaline meaning. 


2)  Rarity And Price

Another factor, that adds to this value, is its rarity which has been influenced by the gemstone discovery. In Brazil, the origin of mines that produced these gemstones has been tapped and depleted hence the rarity. 

Paraiba Tourmaline gemstone

Also, as a result of the geographical formations in which they are located, mining can be strenuous. You can expect a good tourmaline gemstone price.


3)  Quality Of The Gemstone

Paraiba Tourmaline is commonly presented in very small sizes and the larger ones that could weigh over one carat are not of great quality. There are various qualities within each type of cut and amplification, but let me explain a few points: Larger stones, especially if colored and clear, are extremely rare and correspondingly costly. 

In determining the Paraiba tourmaline’s value, these three primary factors are considered.


Where Can You Find the Paraiba Tourmaline?


Paraiba tourmaline is found in pegmatite deposits, which are coarse-grained igneous rocks ranked among the coarsest granite aggregates. 

  • The requirements for its formation are highly particular standards including high temperatures, pressures, and the need for copper and manganese in the mixture. 
  • Such conditions of heat and pressure persisting over millions of years result in the formation of tourmaline crystals with their characteristic colors. 
  • The mining of this gemstone is typically arduous and involves many people conducting the extraction process through a hand-dig method.


What Is The Zodiac Associated With Paraiba Tourmaline?


You can say that this gemstone is much more interesting and fascinating than it looks like. Though it is not generally considered a birthstone, its charm, creativity, vitality, and attractive and weightless quality make it a worthy and powerful stone for different zodiac signs. In that regard, this gemstone resembles a Pearl  stone since they are also lucky for everyone who wears them. 

Gemstones, in particular, used in astrology are assigned to particular zodiac signs according to the frequency they are believed to emit and the advantages they are claimed to possess. This connection depends the tourmaline meaning.

Tourmaline from Paraiba will make Libra and Scorpio members adore accessories with blue and green shades.


  • Libra (September 23 - October 22)


Since Libras are ruled by Venus planet, they are attracted to things of beauty and symmetry and Paraiba fits this description. It brings Libras strength and magnificence and with its stunning colors, the stone brings harmony and peace in the life of Libras. 

The effect of the flower is said to help one in decision-making, especially in a court setting, something that the Libra would appreciate given the fact that their emblem is the scales of justice. Buy it, if you find a fair tourmaline gemstone price.

Paraiba Tourmaline Gemstone


  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)


In this light, Paraiba tourmalines may serve Scorpios well, as they assume a powerful and deep-seated association with this birthstone. The vibrations of the Stone are believed to assist in restoring bodily health and the Scorpions feel inner turmoil and enjoyment of discovering new feelings to guide them in managing their Intuition. Eligibility.


Birthstone Significance


However, Paraiba is not a birthstone as such but given that this gemstone is beautiful and extraordinary, it can be considered a very valuable substitute for October-born individuals who have tourmaline as their main birthstone. 

While the various directions of cleavage of tourmaline symbolize the rising of life, the rainbow colors of the Paraiba point to the richness of life. 


How To Identify Authentic Paraiba Gemstone?


1. Color

That is an integral feature of Paraiba tourmaline since the colors it creates are vivid and very close to neo. Natural stones often possess a rich color close to fab blue, green, or turquoise.
However, if a stone is not transparent or not very bright, then chances are high that it is synthetic and therefore cannot be called Paraiba tourmalines.


2. Copper Content

One of the ways they are defined is by the inclusion of copper within the arrangement of the stone. In regards to copper detection, gemological testing can confirm its existence or the degree of it and assist in identifying the piece as a fake. 

Paraiba Tourmaline stone online


3. Origin

It can originate from Brazil, Paraiba Mozambique, and Nigeria but the one originating from Brazil is the most sought-after. This information is significant because the origin of the stone shall also offer an indication of its quality and even its genuine nature. This origin is the interesting factor behind the beautiful tourmaline meaning. 


How To Care For The Paraiba Tourmaline?


It concerns placing an enhanced value on the preservation of Paraiba gemstone, hence its appropriate care as outlined above. 


1. Cleaning

Paraiba tourmalines should preferably be worn and cleaned often to prevent the coating of the stone by dirt and oils. Rub the gemstone softly and wash it with soapy water which is gentle on the face. 

Some delicates must be washed carefully to prevent the stone from cracking, avoid chemicals like bleach, and use the hand wash option instead of an ultrasonic cleaner. You need to take care of it after paying that tourmaline gemstone price.


2. Storage

Tourmaline Crystal should be stored in a different compartment of an individual jewelry box, as exposure to other gemstones can cause abrasions. Pack the perfume in a soft pouch or jewelry box which can contain even separate sections. 

One must ensure that the gemstone is stored away from heat sources such as ovens or open fires. It is also advisable that the stone is protected from direct sunlight as this is a major factor that results in loss of color and brilliance.


3. Handling

Some tips for handling Tourmaline Crystal include; it is prohibited to drop the crystal on affected surfaces or sharp blows. However, it is a relatively hard gemstone and remains fairly vulnerable to fracture lines if it should happen to be bumped or dropped. 

It is best to first take off the Paraiba tourmaline jewelry when one is likely to expose them to situations that can harm them.





At least when it comes to Paraiba tourmaline, people do not have anything similar to it concerning its attractiveness, rarity, and certain physical properties. The striking and beautiful colors and high brilliance are accompanied by an interesting geological occurrence. 

Paraiba Tourmaline is one of the rare gemstones in the world today a collector’s item, an investor’s dream, or just an incredible piece of luxury no one can resist. To read more about Black Tourmaline, check out: Black Tourmaline: Everyday Uses and properties. When engaging in Paraiba tourmaline’s admiration it is important to search for real stones, consider the effort put into cutting and polishing, and take good care of your precious gemstone. Tourmaline Crystal, whether reflected in its beauty, its capability to continue enlightening the world, or its ability to surpass historical time will always be a gem of the Paraiba kind.




1. How to charge my Paraiba Tourmalines?

You can charge your tourmalines by putting them with other crystals overnight in a bowl. These crystals can be opal topaz or any other crystals.


2. What is the significance of Paraiba Tourmaline?

These gemstones are known for bringing clarity and harmony to your life. You need to understand that this is what these gemstones have been known for since history.