Magical Birthstones For Every Month

Magical Birthstones For Every Month
Posted On : 17 Jul

Picture a world in which the stones of the earth utter the language of the cosmos; where every stone born in the earth would have something to tell about the cosmos. This is the bewitching world of birth-stones and every gem has an affinity with each month of the year, with magical, mythological, and astronomical significance. 

So, let us travel through space and time, to explore the path of birthstones, not only the ones we are personally associated with the month of birth, but that carry the energies of the earth and the stars.


Birthstones For All 12 Months


January: Garnet – The Flame of Passion


Introducing January and the Garnet, a gemstone whose fiery warmth matches only love’s passion in one’s soul. This brilliantly colored stone is commonly associated with red can be found in numerous other colors as well has been valued since ancient times. 

Ancient warriors wore bracelets made of garnets assuming that such gemstones offered them a victory in their battles, while lovers placed a high value on garnets considering them as gemstones that represented the love that had no end. 

It becomes quite easy to picture yourself having a garnet in your hand, it is as if it is like holding a warm heart on a cold winter day and is a symbol of a new beginning with hope ushering in the new year.


February: Amethyst – The Dream Weaver


According to the eponymous lists, February’s birthstone is amethyst, the violet-hued symbol of the dream weaver. That’s where its name comes from the Greek word ‘amethysts’, which means not drunk, and the amethyst was thought to help the person who wore it avoid getting drunk. 

These symbols show that Amethyst’s appearance is as calm as the night sky and encourages people to become calm within themselves. The people who are into tarot reading and other forms of spiritual guidance massively convey this gem for assistance. You should find out more about Amethyst Gemstone Symbolism. 

It is the kind of moment in which you are aware that dusk has set but night is still to come: that can all be encapsulated in the beauty of an amethyst.




March: Aquamarine – The Ocean's Whisper


March is the time to welcome a new gem, which is as clear and as calm as the sea – aquamarine. The name originates from the Latin word for ‘water of the sea’ – one can readily visualize the sea’s tranquility and rolling waves. 

Stonewashed sailors wore it as a charm to ward off the dangers of the ocean; sea aquamarine was believed to house the oils of the sea spirit.


April: Diamond – The Eternal Flame


April’s birthstone is a diamond that is associated with love and strength like the diamond is embedded and does not budge. Saying that it has been created under extraordinary conditions over billions of years, diamonds are the hardest minerals, elements on the planet. 

They are unique and fiery; their luster makes them reflective of purity and endurance that was universally acceded. In a sense, diamonds are light – the reflection of a moment that stopped and shone brightly within the unending world’s transformation.


May: Emerald – The Heart of Spring


Emerald, the stone birthstone for May, is among the hearts that awaken the spirit of spring. The verdant color reflects the cycles of renewal and regeneration, which are characteristic of the world of living beings. 

For example, Cleopatra, the famous Egyptian queen, used emeralds as a jewel that was deemed effective in reviving youth. It will help to maintain harmony, and balance, and provide you with a connection with the greater reality of the existence of the earth. 

Engorging an emerald is as peculiar as putting into one’s palm a piece of the Earth’s soul that deifies the never-ending cycle of life: a bud to a man, a man to a midsummer night’s dream.


stunning stones for every month

June: Pearl – The Moon's Tear


As a symbol of a woman, June’s birthstone is the pearl called the moon’s tear, which is a gem created from the sea. Uniquely, pearls are not considered mineralogical stones; rather, they are created within an organism’s body – a mollusk more specifically. 

They have been the hearts of humanity for centuries, their kindly calm, and shining countenances. A pearl’s symbolism includes the ideas of purity, innocence, and change. People also associate Moonstone with June. 

The associations with the pearl as a symbol correspondingly reflect this natural process: if the moonlight is the light of reason that inspires creative thought and tiles the free-floating images of the heart, then the pearl stone is the fruit of the still water of the soul.


July: Ruby – The Heart's Blood


The darker ruby, July’s birthstone, translates from the fire that drives the earth’s gyre. The dark attributes of this hue are also passionate, vigorous, courageous, and intense. Rubies used to be considered kings of gems and it was thought that those possessing these precious stones received lives within them. 

The brighter fluorescence appears to endow the ruby with the invigorating energy of love and inspire the spirit within.


August: Peridot – The Sun's Gift


Peridot, the birthstone for August symbolizes the sun’s endowment to earth. Its vivid gold-green is as if the sun is casting its rays through leaves and it also embodies the last days of summer when the crops are in the fields. 

Peridot was adored by the ancient Egyptians, who referred to this stone as the “gem of the sun”, which helps protect from nightmares and bring happiness. The energy of Peridot is the warmth of sunlight and can be compared with being miraculously refreshed. 

Peridot will do this because it is the precious stone that allows you to hold the sunshine in the palm of your hand; such is the spellbinding beauty of peridot. Many people


September: Sapphire – The Celestial Gem


Sapphire – the official birthstone for the ninth month (September) – is known as the celestial gem or small part of the heavens. Long back people have used the color for those paintings associated with the sky or anything divine. 

Sapphires were also some of the most treasured pieces of jewelry especially to kings and priests who believed the stones symbolized wisdom and the ability to remain pure. It is a crystal that is thought of as bestowing on the owner protection, understanding, and wisdom. 

Sapphire is timeless and when you hold it can inspire the image of the sky, the galaxies, and the universe that will always be a mystery, yet a part of us.



October: Opal – The Rainbow's Secret


October-born, the symbol is the opal, said to be the ‘oracle’ of the rainbow, the gemstone that encapsulates all the spectral colors into one. If you want to know more about it, read: All About Opal: A Simple Guide.

Opal is analogous in the way that each piece of it given out is different, and produces a play of colors when light is on it. Tourmaline is another stone associated with October month. 

In Ancient Rome, people thought they had complete gems here and opal was the most valued of all; they believed the opal contained every other colored gemstone. The simple fact of obtaining an opal makes one experience the ray of hope as well as the dreams lying dormant in the heart of this world.


November: Topaz – The Sun's Embrace


Topaz and stent are now associated with November, and the latter is a gem that reflects the warmth of sunshine. Topaz is available in many hues, nonetheless, the favored and most famous color of topaz is golden yellow. 

This gem is worn or used to symbolize or represent warmth, abundance, and healing power. Greeks considered topaz as a gem that enhances the physical performance of the wearer, particularly in strength and vision. One of the best colors of Topaz is a Blue Topaz


December: Turquoise – The Sky's Blessing


Turquoise has a very soft, powder blue-green beauty and can remind of a clear blue sky or a calm sea surface.” In pre-Columbian Americas, natural stones such as turquoise were highly valued due to their celestial properties which facilitated the protection from and attraction of good fortune. 

It feels as if one’s holding a piece of the sky; the calming hue is a constant reassurance of the serenity found in one’s life.



As people think about birthstones the concept has more than the beauty and value of any gemstone because they are much more than that; they are pieces of history, tradition, and magic. 

Every one of them is charged with the energy and spirit of the month it represents and teaches us about the cycles of nature, the Earth, and the universe. Whether you simply adore the look of your birthstone, find comfort in a specific animal, or believe in the power of a gemstone to help or heal you. 

We are all connected by something as basic and wonderful as our birthstones. Throughout the year of the crystal, let each birthstone link you back to the enchantment which is the very essence of life. 

These gems, starting from the claimed flame of garnet, softening to the sky like turquoise are the pieces of the universe showing everyone that there is beauty inside and outside of every one of us, sparkling in a shimmering gemstone.


Frequently Asked Questions:


1. What is the significance of Birthstones?

Birthstones have a specific connection with the people who are connected to them and they enhance their certain abilities that they are good at and minimize things that they usually lack.

2. What is the September Birthstone?

September month is connected deep with the color of blue and so the birthstone for this gemstone is Sapphire. It is the gem of the universe and Celestia.