Identifying Authentic Moldavite: A Buyer’s Guide
Posted On : 14 Jun

In recent uncertain times, a lot of people are resorting to nature and going in ways that were not heard before. One of them is using crystals and their cosmic energies to guide them through these tough times. 

One of these crystals which is magnificent, rare, and very powerful is the Moldavite Stone. It is known for being a transformative stone and it can change the way you experience things and how to react to them. It has increased in popularity now both among common folks and enthusiastic, energetic, and focused gem collectors. 

Ever since people understood Moldavite crystal meaning and understood moldavite healing properties, the demands started rising. The fact that it is limited and most probably will go extinct in the coming times has only fueled the fire for finding the Moldavite Gemstone.

As a consequence, of course, the moldavite price is high. And the worst thing that can happen is to get a fake crystal because nobody told you how to recognize the real one apart. And we will make sure that you know everything about how to recognize and buy authentic Moldavite Stone. 

What is Moldavite Crystal?

Moldavite is a very rare crystal that was formed around 15 million years ago when a meteorite hit Earth. In the Bohemian region of the earth which is now known as the Czech Republic you can find this unique green hue gemstone. With the terrestrial debris that came out of the earth with the shattering impact, the Moldavite gemstone was formed. 

So it has a very lavish, royal, dark green type of shade. It is somewhat mossy and olive at the same time. It only adds to the moldavite crystal meaning with the deepness of its color and the little rays of light coming in. But you should note that these colors can vary from crystal to crystal. The rarest shades are olive in color and the purest of them all and have the best moldavite healing properties. 

Moldavite Crystal

What Is The Significance Of Authentic Moldavite Crystals?

People value the Moldavite stone not just because it is a beautiful, alluring, and rare gemstone. They don’t just value it for its naturally rare shade and the look it gives to any jewelry it is studded in. 

They value this gemstone beyond all of that. Many individuals have always believed that since older times, this gemstone has been linked with beautiful spiritual energies.

It is promoting self-growth and spiritual evolution. This is why some people call this crystal the transformation crystal. But not just personal transformation, this stone is connected to the universe and the cosmos. So people also associate this stone with enhancing their manifestations and connection to the universe. 

How To Recognize Authentic Moldavite Gemstones?

To recognize the real Moldavite Stone, you should know how to look at it right. Several factors go into the process of recognizing the right crystal. Here are some of them listed for you to remember when needed:

  • Color: The very first factor that comes to mind when you are looking at any gemstone is the color. So if a moldavite crystal is real you will find that it should be somewhere between or the extremes of green. It may have a bit of a brown shadow on it, that is natural. That shade and shadow enhance moldavite crystal meaning.

  • Texture: The texture or the feel of this gemstone is a bit rough and natural, like a rock but more controlled. It is what we can call a sculpted gemstone. Because it was made millions of years ago and has been weathered over centuries, now the texture feels very etched.

  • Inclusions: When you look at an authentic crystal very closely you can find some bubble-like inclusions in it. Some people may call them imperfections but in reality, they are the proof of the natural existence of these mystical crystals. When they were formed and were very hot and then a quick cooling process occurred, and that is when these bubbles appeared.

  • Weight & Density: When you hold a real moldavite stone in your hand you will note that it is relatively less heavy than other stones. It is not the case for all the gemstones but when compared to most of them, it is light for how big it is. So if you hold a fake, you can realize that it would be mostly made from something heavier.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Fake Moldavite Gemstones?

When you have a good understanding of the fakes or counterfeits available in the market, it can be easier for you to avoid them. Given below is a list compiled by us about the most common fakes in the market for Moldavite Gemstones: 

  • Synthetic Glass: Most of the fake Moldavites in the market are produced by using synthetic glass. And then people color them in a shade that copies the naturally occurring shade. But you will find that these fake copies don’t have the same texture as an authentic Moldavite. So mostly these get caught if someone is paying attention.

  • Glass Mold: Some people are very smart and use glass molds to fool innocent customers. They are even able to exactly copy the texture and feel of a real gemstone. They might look very realistic at first look but if you look closer they are way too uniform to be natural. They do not look naturally etched at all.

  • Colored Quartz or Olive Glass: Sometimes other kinds of glasses that are similar to the colors of moldavite are used and sold. The discrepancies can be caught easily via color check, texture, or the weight of the stone. You should make sure the stone fulfills the moldavite price
Moldavide Stones

Tips for Purchasing Authentic Moldavite Crystals

Take note of these helpful tips to make sure you don’t fall into the trap of those who sell fakes or counterfeits: 

  • Always try to purchase gemstones or crystals from reputed places and stores. But from people who have a reputation and previous authentic sales record. You can also inquire about the origins.

  • You can always ask the seller for some form of certification from gemological institutes. These certifications mean they understand the moldavite crystal meaning as well and won’t try to sell a fake one.

  • If you come across someone who is offering you an unbelievable deal or a discount that just sounds like it is too good to be true, it’s mostly fake. Authentic moldavite is not cheap, it is expensive and nobody is going to give it to you for 5 dollars. Please don’t fall into these people’s traps. 
Moldavite Gemstones


Moldavite is rare and expensive, it is a very pricey gemstone. It is not easy to find and is probably going to be extinct in the coming decades. So, the number of people playing imposter crystals is very high. To make sure you do not fall into those traps, this blog provides a complete understanding of how to buy authentic Moldavites. We hope it was able to fulfill those expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Wear My Moldavite Gemstones Daily?

In reality, there is no problem in wearing your moldavite daily but you need to take care of a few things. Don’t let it be scratched or damaged, and keep it away from direct sunlight. 

Where Should I Keep My Moldavite Gemstones?

The best way to keep your moldavites close to you is to wear them like a piece of jewelry, such as a bracelet, a ring, or even a pendant. Other than that, you can keep them in your bedrooms or living rooms.