How To Take Care Of Your Moonstone?

How To Take Care Of Your Moonstone?
Posted On : 10 Jul

Rainbow Moonstone, the spheres of ethereal delicacy, which is shipped by the light and the rainbows of the heart and the fireworks. These stones that go hand in hand with the moon are the most attractive and enchanting as can be compared to the moon itself. 

Whether you have experience looking for gems and minerals or it is your first time putting your fingers on gems, the moonstones are the way to go. And there is a very interesting moonstone meaning too. Now I’m wondering how one should take care of such an otherworldly glowing gem. 

So, it is time to embark on a journey to learn how to keep your moonstone protected and shining like the stars in the sky. This blog will give all the information about how to take care of your moonstone.


The Allure of the Moonstone


However, let me briefly explain the uniqueness of moonstone crystals before I move on to the care routine – they are, indeed, special right down to their core. This feldspar mineral with the bi-color adularescence – blue and red that appears to be originating from within the mineral – has been valued for centuries. 

It was said that it had solidified moonbeams, it was a stone of fate and protection, it was a stone that could show the truth and meet the balance in every person.

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The preference of moonstones are however based on color ranging from the traditional white with hints of blue to peach color, gray color, and even rainbow color. In a way, even the moonstone could be said to possess a position of its own due to the individuality of each piece. Combining this with other gems like Labradorite and Rose Quartz can uplift the final look. 

It is not surprising then that a stone that is believed to have healing powers and is riddled with folklore needs extra tender loving care. This adds something to the mighty moonstone’s meaning. 


Cleansing Your Moonstone: A Ritual of Renewal


Moonstones, being stones of tender energy, as a rule, act as a sponge that soaks up all protruding negative energy from the surroundings. Besides washing away all the dirt that may have accumulated on them, the process also serves to update their soul. This stone is extremely soft just like Azurite and Malachite, making it extra fragile. 

Here are some gentle and poetic ways to cleanse your moonstone:


1. Moonlight Bath: 

It is for the same reason that moonlight introduces clarity and calmness in your life, it serves to purify your moonstone. Your gem has to remain on the window sill or preferably in the open, under the light of the full moon. Moonlight Bath is also good for Tourmaline gemstones and some other trigonal crystals. 

Leave it to enjoy the tender and shiny rays of light, the moonlight during the night. But, flushing also mystically charges your moonstone, making this ritual not only a cleansing one but also a charging. Adds an allure and mystery to the moonstone’s meaning. 


2. Water Purification: 

Even that simple substance, water, which works wonders as a washing liquid may be used to wash your moonstone without causing harm to it. Wash your stone with water which is as cool as that of running water. 

Just like when we start to feel tired, we can wash away all the accrued grime and start again, the same applies to the moonstone. However, this should be a very short process because if the stone comes into contact with water for some time then it might be damaged. This adds a freshness to all your moonstone benefits.


3. Sage and Incense: 

You could blow some sage or incense smoke over your rainbow moonstone, another peacefully quiet idea. As the smoke engulfs the stone it purifies it from any negative energy, for the stone possesses such a quality. 

This method also provides a raw mystical note, making you feel like a close descendant, if not an heir of those who once valued these stones.


Charging Your Moonstone: Invoking Its Inner Glow


After this, you need to charge your rainbow moonstone to have it continue emitting the mystic energy possessed by it. Here’s how you can do this with grace and intention:


1. Earth Connection: 

Some of the moons will require that you take the gem and bury it in the ground for one or two days. Such nature suggests that the earth’s energy is capable of restoring the stone, providing it with much-needed energy to enhance its inherent nature. 

Make sure to wrap it well in a cloth just in case it’s too abrasive against other surfaces.


2. Crystal Companions: 

This way, your moonstone can be safeguarded by other beneficial stones such as clear quartz or Amethyst. These stones have higher vibrations and you may need to put your moonstone in touch with these stones to recharge it. 

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They should be encouraged to sit side by side in an area that is free from stressful stimuli and triggering noises so that the energy of both is recharged. It changed the meaning of the moonstone meaning a bit too.


3. Solar Energy: 

If you want, and if it is possible, you can charge your moonstone by simply taking a short walk in the sun. However, be careful that harsh and direct sunlight may cause it to lose its color, resulting in an ugly sight. 

Pour it into a rinsed bottle and let it stand in the morning sun for an hour or two. When you think of the ‘moonstone meaning’ think of this as well. This is also an amazing way to charge other sky-powered stones like Opal Stone or Amethyst. 


Handling Your Moonstone: Tenderness and Care


Similarly, rainbow moonstones are quite soft gemstones and come with a hardness of 6 to 6. have a Mohs hardness of 5 on the Mohs scale. 

They can easily scratch and therefore require one to handle them carefully. Here are some poetic guidelines for keeping your moonstone safe:


1. Gentle Touch: 

If you want to take care of your celestial weapon, then remember that it is as delicate as a blade of grass. Don’t bang it against any surface or wash it with abrasive chemicals as these will cause damage to the foil. 

The best way to clean it is by using a soft cloth and a gentle soap when needed and the item must be dried as soon as possible. There are many moonstone benefits.


2. Storage: 

As a general rule of thumb, the moonstone should be stored individually away from other families of hard gems. Clean it by wiping it with a soft cloth or store it in a soft pouch or jewelry box with a soft lining. 

This will help to keep it safe from harm and then at times when you want to cast your spell through your fashion, you can do so.


3. Wear with Care: 

As for wearers of moonstone jewelry, one must avoid events that expose the stone to impact or abrasion. Take off your moonstone ring when you go gardening or your moonstone bracelet when you are about to engage in sporting activities. 

See it shine in moments that are quiet, peaceful, and lovely. Do take care of these things if you aim to save ‘moonstone meaning’. How to tell if your Moonstone Gemstone is real or fake? Well, click on the link and find all the necessary information. 


Connecting with Your Moonstone: A Bond Beyond Time


Mentioning rainbow moonstone, we can say it is not just an accessory; it is a spiritual friend. But to care for this Rondo-Serebryaniy stone properly, you also have to learn to get to know it a bit more than superficially. 

Here are some ways to bond with your moonstone:


1. Meditation: 

Do this part by holding the moonstone crystal and meditating. Touch the metal with your bare hands and let yourself be drawn into the currents of life within its texture. Try picturing yourself surrounded by moonlight and let the energy of this stone sanitize your spirit.


2. Intention Setting: 

Focus your intentions on your moonstone to get the best out of it. It carries the power when the man will state out loud the wishes or write the desires on the paper and put the paper under the gemstone

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Topaz also known as Moonstones are used to boost the intentions of a person, thus leading to the actualization of their desires.


3. Dream Work: 

Complement with crystal will help to develop intuition and use the Moonstone to control the dream. Let it steer you through the terrains of the unconscious mind, apprehending the enigmas and mysteries. These dreams are the base and secret to the beautiful moonstone meaning. 




Moonstone engagement is not a mere practice in the given keeping, but a rite, a chant of gratitude. If you would respect your moonstone and consider it as the fossil that it is, then you not only maintain its aesthetic value but also cherish the wisdom it contains.

To continue the metaphor we started with, your moonstone is a tiny glowing string in the vast fabric of existence – and it connects powerful moments of understanding, serenity, and magic. We hope you find many wonderful and unique moonstone benefits. In case when you wear it on the ring finger, have it around your neck on a necklace, or place it in a unique place in your home, your moonstone crystal is still a symbol of navigation, of the discordant mystery, and of the glowing moon.

Thus, come to terms with the enchantment inherent in your gemstone. For it to shine within and without. Let it be bright for your path and warm for your soul. It is in the moonstone that one can find not only a pebble that was taken from the moon, not only a wordless message or a grain of the divine, an eternal friend on a voyage through space. We hope now you are aware of how to take care of your moonstone.




1. In what ways will Moonstone impact or enhance my emotional health?

Moonstone is known to have special characteristics that act as an anti-stress crystal, confidence booster, and even work to provide overall mental health.

2. About spiritual growth, what impact does Moonstone make?

Moonstone is known to boost spiritual evolution because of the links to the moon and the sky and the means of getting through to the divine up.