Harnessing the Energy of Labradorite: Metaphysical Properties and Uses

Harnessing the Energy of Labradorite: Metaphysical Properties and Uses
Posted On : 29 Jul

Have you ever watched in the starry night sky the celestial dance of colors that leaves one mesmerized? Now, picture that magic in stone. That's Labradorite gemstone. This was a crystal, extraordinary in its iridescent play of colors that has enthralled humans for ages. 

Beyond being just plain beautiful, the stone of Labradorite is said to possess some very powerful metaphysical properties that can be life-changing.

In this blog, we will unveil the mystique of the Labradorite gemstone, covering its history, meaning, and incredible Labradorite benefits

Any seasoned crystal enthusiast or, for that matter, anyone who has a curiosity about the natural world has a treat waiting. Let's begin and uncover the secrets of the Labradorite Stone.

Mystical Powers of Labradorite

The mineral to which the stone belongs is feldspar; it is one of the most interesting since the optical properties are quite specific among its rocks. It is called labradorescence and is found inside the stone—a simple play of colors, often resembling the Aurora Borealis, shimmering inside the stone. 

Labradorescence is amazing in its beauty and has made this mineral a healer, protective talisman, and universal gemstone.

North American indigenous peoples believed that Labradorite stone held within it the trapped fires of the Aurora Borealis. 

In Europe, it was associated with magic and prophecy. Even today, there is a mystery surrounding the meaning of Labradorite crystal. Hence, it is very interesting to explore its aspects.

Labradorite Healing Properties: A Holistic Approach

This labradorite gemstone is considered very beautiful, but it is also acknowledged as one of the strongest stones for spiritual growth and transformation. It is said to enhance intuition and foster imagination, and psychic abilities. The labradorite stone helps you tune into your inner wisdom by stimulating the mind and waking up the spirit.

On an emotional level, this stone is considered to be decreasing one's stress, anxiety, and depression. It is also believed to be grounding and stabilizing the person, bringing him balance and harmony in life. For some, it benefits their body health because it relieves the person from pain and helps to rest properly.

Labradorite Gemstone

What Is A Labradorite Stone: Unlock Your Inner Light

Normally, Labradorite's crystal meaning has been called transformational, a reminder of the inner strength it's believed to carry. It is said to help work through all types of battles and be a source of not fearing change but embracing it instead. You can release your full potential and your life's true purpose by connecting to its energy.

In addition, this crystal is also known for its protective energy. It is said to create a shield around the aura, deflecting negative energy and giving one a feeling of safety. So many people wear or carry Labradorite gemstones as an amulet for protection and guiding light.

Also read more about the "Exploring Labradorite Gemstone: Facts, Symbolism, And Benefits".

How to Use Labradorite: Unleashing Its Power

You can use a Labradorite stone in several ways to tap into its energy. Here are a few of the most popular ways:

  • Wear it as jewelry: The Labradorite gemstone's energy is continuous while kept on the body. 
  • Carry it as a pocket stone: The small Labradorite piece on you during the day gives you support on the go. 
  • Meditate with it: The Labradorite gemstone on the altar or in your hand brings you closer during meditation.
  • Use it in crystal healing: Use the labradorite stone for holistic well-being in your crystal healing.
Labradorite Gemstone

Labradorite and Other Crystals: A Harmonious Blend

The labradorite gemstone can be combined with other crystals to come up with strong energy combinations. For example, when combined with malachite, it may facilitate enhanced emotional healing and grounding. When combined with tourmaline, protection and purification are enhanced.

Here are some resonant stones:

  • Malachite: This green crystal balances out the labradorite, providing it with a means of grounding and healing of emotions.
  • Labradorite and tourmaline work together to build an extremely strong shield of protection against negative energies.
  • Opal: Like the interaction of these two iridescent gemstones that heighten creativity and intuition, it aligns the user.
  • Garnet: The root energy of garnet can stabilize the elevating energy of the labradorite.


Yet, on a personal level, what may work for one, will not work for another, so just trust your instincts as you pick which crystals will blend well with your Labradorite stone.

Benefits of Labradorite Stone

This is a potent crystal that has been around since ancient times, thus having strong metaphysical energies. The possible Labradorite benefits are as follows:

  • Boosted intuition and psychic ability
  • Elimination of stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Improved creativity and imagination
  • Grounding and stability
  • Protection and guidance
  • Spiritual growth and transformation

If you feel an attraction to the mystique surrounding this gemstone, the Labradorite would then be well worth your time to explore its potential for enrichment in your life. Keep in mind that crystals are only a tool for personal growth. Results may vary from individual to individual.

If you would like more information regarding this beautiful stone, then don't forget to check out the blog "Labradorite Gemstone: Color, Clarity, and Cut."

Labradorite Gemstone

How To Care For Your Labradorite

Caring for this stone is quite essential to be able to keep it at its best and maintain its energy.


Clean your labradorite crystal by gently washing it in lukewarm water and then drying it with a soft cloth. Never clean the stone using harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners since they can damage it.


Re-energize your labradorite by placing it in the moonlight for some hours. This cleanses and enhances the energy inside so that it does not turn dull or weak.


Store your labradorite in a soft pouch or jewelry box to avoid scratching or any other possible damage. Direct sunlight, as well as high temperatures, should also be avoided as these can ruin the colors of the stone.

Labradorite Gemstone


The labradorite stone is said to be an interesting gemstone abundant in infinite possibilities. So exquisite, the potential metaphysically and otherwise makes it so dear to so many. 

Knowing the meaning of the labradorite crystal and its many uses will give you the skill to unlock all that this wondrous stone possesses.

Remember, it's your journey alone. Let your intuition be your guide as it takes you on a path, and allow yourself to be guided in this journey's stone—the Labradorite gemstone.