Gemstone Jewelry Ideas for Each Zodiac Sign

Gemstone Jewelry Ideas for Each Zodiac Sign
Posted On : 28 Aug

Every zodiac is a different strand of cloth in the grand cosmic garment, which is made of specific energies, characteristics, and inclinations. Other accessories that would be ideal to accompany such imprints are Zodiac Birthstones as these have been in use since ancient times. 

And these are believed to possess magical powers. They do not only serve as boosters for the characteristics of each sign but also as shields, equalizers, and sources of inspiration. 

In this blog, we have zodiac birthstone jewelry ideas for each zodiac sign. It is time we go on an artistic rouse around the zodiac to find out more about Zodiac Birthstone jewelry ideas perfect for every sign.


Aries (March 21 - April 19): Bold Red Garnet


Aries, the first sign of the zodiac belongs to fire, thus, energies, passion and the urge to lead are what make this sign go around. For such structural characteristics, dynamic by essence, there is nothing better than garnet with an intensive red color. 

garnet jewellery

  • In particular, one can recall the brilliance of a garnet pendant, the color of which resembles the heat of the flame burning in the Arian’s character. 
  • Combined with gold or silver, a garnet ring or bracelet can indeed act as an effective amulet that will stir their desire and help them achieve success.


Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Elegant Emerald


Taurus is an earth sign and as such, is rooted in nature and seeks sensual pleasure in the earthly phenomena. Emerald, which has a bright green color, is fully consistent with the preferences of a Taurus regarding the natural element and everything that is related to it and the luxurious element. 

emerald jewellery

  • Imagine a soft openwork in the style of Botan offering a shimmering green reminiscent of a calm meadow. 
  • A ring or earrings set with emeralds can improve Taurus’ innate posture and draw wealth into his/her life.


Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Enchanting Citrine


Gemini, the star sign of the communicator, is a forever seeker of wisdom and travels. Citrine is the absolute Zodiac Birthstone to represent a Gemini because its shade looks cheerful and warm, like the sun that adorns the emblem of the zodiac sign. 

citrine jewellery

  • Imagine an elegant citrine charm bracelet and each of the charms – a different adventure or finding. 
  • To enhance the Gemini abilities, it is advisable to wear citrine in the form of pendants or earrings to improve their creativity and simplify their complex thoughts. 


Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Soothing Moonstone


The nurturing water sign, cancer is associated with feelings and instinct reflexes. Moonstone, shimmering as the material of the moon will make children sleep soundly at night while ensuring they are shielded. 

moonstone jewellery

  • For instance, a moonstone ring, the soft glow of which will serve to soothe Cancer everything as the ocean’s ebb and flow. 
  • They can get a moonstone bracelet or necklace that will be useful in sharpening their intuitive feelings and also bring them some sort of consolation.
  • Did you know that there are many different kinds of moonstones? For example, take a look at this: What Is a Green Moonstone?


Leo (July 23 - August 22): Radiant Sunstone


Leo, which is the regal and charismatic sign governed by the sun, natives of the sign thrive and love attention as well as creativity. The gem that best represents Leo with its sunny ray of fire-like essence, is none other than Sunstone. 


  • Imagine a statement sunstone necklace that has Leo’s brightness in it, a golden one at that. 
  • Leo’s sunstone earrings or rings will help him/her to gain confidence in addition to carrying the attention and admiration of people.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Pure Blue Sapphire


Virgo, as the sixth sign and the ruler of the sixth house, represents a perfectionist and analytical nature. Blue sapphire which features a rather intense and calming shade represents wisdom, while purity is associated with the stone’s blue tint. 

sapphire jewellery

  • This is not very hard to imagine, a style yet class complimented with the blue sapphire pendant, the clear and deep brilliance of a true Virgo. 
  • The Virgo can highly benefit from a blue sapphire ring or a bracelet, which would improve the clarity of the mind and the purpose.


Libra (September 23 - October 22): Harmonious Opal


The Libra sign is symbolized by scales and coins and, therefore, seeks balance and beauty. Opal is the most fitting Zodiac Birthstone for the Libra and their love of the play of colors and symmetry. 


  • For instance, picture a beautiful opal necklace that is likely to harbor some blend of colors and the blend is relatable to the nature of Libra. 
  • Opal earrings or a ring can keep Libra’s charisma going and add balance to the figure.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Mystical Amethyst


Scorpio, being an Eighth zodiac sign and the most powerful one, is interested in the obscure and the deep. This special type of zodiac birthstone that has violet coloration is associated with spiritual development and security. 

amethyst jewellery

  • Imagine a beautiful amethyst pendant; the deep purple light reflecting the Scorpio’s mysterious personality. 
  • For spiritual help, an amethyst ring or bracelet can improve Scorpio’s intuition and supply him/ her with protection. 


Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Adventurous Turquoise


Sagittarian is the seeker after the adventure and the man of knowledge or the explorer. For this freewheeling sign, the lovely blue-green color of turquoise makes this zodiac birthstone ideal. 

  • A turquoise necklace with a raw look will look great on Sagittarius; the warm shades of the stone perfectly embody the spirit of this sign, especially when it comes to traveling. 
  • Turquoise earrings or a ring help Sagittarius to be safeguarded during his or her trips and at the same time bring in good luck.


Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Grounded Onyx


Capricorn is a very disciplined and career-oriented sign which is why it appreciates hard work and stability. Onyx, which has that firm black hue is said to provide strength and protection. 

  • Let’s for instance think of a shiny ring made of onyx, the shiny coat of the ring symbolizes the character of Capricorn which is very strong. 
  • For Capricorn, an onyx bracelet or pendant is recommended because it will help in sharpening concentration as well as give a certain level of protection.


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Visionary Aquamarine


Indeed, since Aquarius is the sign in which individuals are innovative and independent, they are always focused on the future. Aquamarine gives clear and positive connotations as it is a light blue, thus it can symbolize clarity and a clear vision. 

  • Imagine an artistic design of an aquamarine pendant; this color symbolizes the key traits of Aquarius and its simplicity reflects the person’s futuristic vision. 
  • Aquamarine earrings or a ring will help Aquarius to be even more creative and calm.


Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Dreamy Labradorite


Pisces which is the last in the astrological order is somewhat philosophical, intuitive, and very connected with the spiritual world. Labradorite reflects flashes of light that resemble stardust while Pisces has other-worldly qualities. 

  • A trendy labradorite necklace – the blues of it shimmering like the Pisceans’ soul. 
  • Pisces can get spiritual guidance if he or she wears jewelry such as earrings containing labradorite or a ring with stone.




Every zodiac sign has its specific features and energy, and each of them has a stone that can become the soulmate for it. If you want to know about more gemstones that are used for spirituality, take a look at this: Moldavite Gemstone: Important Tips for Spiritual Changes

Be it a passion-filled garnet for the Aries or starry-eyed labradorite for the Pisces, they are not just beautiful to wear and complement the basic personality of each sign but also have a story and meaning. 


Frequently Asked Questions:


1. Where should I keep Aquamarine in my home or office?

The best place to keep Aquamarine is in your meditation space to enhance tranquility and clarity. Alternatively, it can be placed in your office to promote calm communication and reduce stress.

2. How durable is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine has a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8, making it quite durable and suitable for everyday wear. It should still be handled with care to avoid potential damage.

3. Which cut is the best for Opal?

The best cut for Opal is the cabochon, which showcases its vibrant play of color beautifully. However, all cuts look stunning for this extraordinary stone. You can get this amazing cut for Opal on the CabochonsForSale website. 

4. How do I charge my Opal crystals?

You can charge your Opal by keeping it with other crystals overnight or placing it in the moonlight overnight to rejuvenate its energies. If your stone takes its power from the sun, you can keep it in the sunlight as well.