Ethiopian Opal vs. Australian Opal

Ethiopian Opal vs. Australian Opal
Posted On : 31 Jul

Opals belong to that unique cluster of creations where points of colored light, oriental enigma, and historical mythopoeia are interlinked by steady rays of the gem. Some of the most prized types of opals include the Ethiopian opals and Australian opals.

These two origins, the geology of each place, and the rich culture that comes with it give opal lovers a variety of opal to choose from, each having its beauty in the way it is unique.

Now, it is time to start a discovery and revelation of the artistic and aesthetic beauty of Ethiopian Opals and Australian opals and discover the differences between these two types of opals and the miracles they add to the world of gems.


The Ethiopian Opal: Fire and Mystery 


The recent gemstone is the Ethiopian opal locally known as Welo opal due to its origin in the Welo province of Ethiopia and was discovered in the early 90s. These opal gems have similarly enticed gem aficionados in such a short period for their play of colour and the enigmatic character of their appearance.

black opal

Characteristics and Formation

  • The kind of opals coming from Ethiopia are hydrophane opals and this is an ability to absorb water and become more transparent when wet. 
  • This hydrophane characteristic gives the Ethiopian opals a living appearance as they change color and show a new layer when exposed to water.
  • The opals are created in volcanic sediments and the play of color can rage brilliant colors of red like the flames of fire, orange like the sun setting over the savannah, yellow and green.

Color and Patterns

  • Australian opals have such a play-of-color but the play of color in the Ethiopian opal stone is much stronger and more saturated. 
  • This is because the internal structure of the Ethiopian opal stone is different in some ways and causes light to scatter in a way that produces a stronger and more clear amount of colors.
  • Typically, against the background of Ethiopian opal, the inclusions may create everything from large zones of color to net-like patterns, and every single stone is a work of art. These beautiful lights and colors show their connection with Aquamarine

Cultural Significance

  • According to Ethiopian culture, Ethiopian opal stones are considered lucky stones, since they encourage them to get rich and shield those who own them. 
  • The discovery of these gems has also created economic benefits for many locals, attaching an anthropomorphic timbre to these indeed beautiful stones.

The Australian Opal

For quite some time, Australian opals, specifically those which are mined at famous mines such as Lightning Ridge or even Coober Pedy also including Andamooka have always been considered samples of an ideal quality of opal. 

It is worth remembering that these stones have an interesting history related to both Australia itself and its inhabitants and that they are broadly recognized for their outstandingly wonderful appearance as well as for being long-lasting.

ethiopian black opal

Characteristics and Formation

  • Opals are sedimentary in origin, which means they originated from silica solutions.
  • They filled up cracks in the Australian land mass, former sea beds fossilized over millions of years, unlike the Ethiopian opals. 
  • This sedimentary process is also the reason, Australian opals are more stable and less likely to crack or fracture when used for everyday wear.


Color and Patterns

  • Therefore, Australian opals are famous for their vast array of colors and an elaborate pattern. Such a show of colors and glimmer must remind you of Pearl
  • Black opals sourced from Lightning Ridge specifically tend to have deep backgrounds and intense play-of-color which consist of blue, green, and red shades that move in captivating dance.
  • The white and crystal opals presented in Coober Pedy and Andamooka showcased a delicate and pastel predecessor as compared to the intensely bright ones; the patterns reflected and emitted a soft, effulgent light. 
  • Opals from Australia often have a “pinfire” or “harlequin” play of color, in which many many small, bright fire sparkles combine in a checkerboard pattern over the plane of the stone.
  • Every pattern represents a story of the great history of the earth which has remained so well preserved in the core of a gem.

Cultural Significance

  • These Constituents are – Australian opals have a special place in the hearts of the Australian people As people artifacts These Constituents are true to the Australian people. 
  • People have ascribed the sobriquet “Queen of Gems” to them, and this is because of the prestige that accompanies these gemstones.
  • In Indigenous Australian culture, it is believed that opals were created at the time of rainbows, and thus there is a dream-like touch to such stones.

Comparing Ethiopian and Australian Opals


Color Vibrancy and Patterns

Ethiopian opal displays what is known as play-of-color, and the play-of-color is usually deeper and more passionate in Ethiopian opals than in the other types. Australian opals also have ‘play of color’ but the combination of the colors is more sophisticated and clad in a more harmonious manner giving them a more elegant look. 

The Australian opals’ typical layouts as the harlequin and pin fire designs with smooth lines present a standard elegance; on the other hand, the Ethiopians have an unconventional and rather mysterious feel.

ethiopian fire opal

Market Value and Rarity

Thus, Australian opals, being traditional and well-recognized in the market, are traditionally valued more, including the black opals which are even scarcer. 

Ethiopian fire opals, as compared to other opals, are comparatively recent; however, as and when they gain popularity, they are relatively cheaper than other opals available in the market.

Consumer-Centricity: Integration of Both Worlds

Choosing between Ethiopian fire opals and Australian opals is like choosing between two symphonies: both are so beautiful in a way, a completely different experience when it comes to touching the soul in some way. Also, you can read: Fire Opal vs Ethiopian Opal: Difference and Benefits


Ethiopian fire opals are characterized by their brilliant, vigorous, and rather lively play-of-color as well as the living hydrophane character. 

This is why contemporary opals, emerging from the Australian land, have a stable, elegant, and still provocative look, which is incredibly valuable. Well, the best decision is the one that speaks to you, the one that reaches deep down to the heart and hums a tune that only you can hear in your mind’s eye. 

No matter whether a buyer chooses the passionate and lively dance of opals which are mined in Ethiopia or the balanced and harmonious gleam of opals originating in Australia there will be a definite pleasure.