Citrine Vs Yellow Sapphire: Which One To Wear?

Citrine Vs Yellow Sapphire: Which One To Wear?
Posted On : 19 Jul

Both Citrine and Yellow Sapphires have warmth to them as they emit golden tones; however, the stones are different in their history, characteristics, and appeal. Whether you’re a gem enthusiast, a jewelry aficionado, or simply someone drawn to the vibrant yellows of these stones, the question remains: out of the two, which one is appropriate to wear?

So here is your call: Are you ready to set off and discover the multitude of Citrine and Yellow sapphires and their history, meaning, and minor variations that might tip the scale? This is the blog for the choice of citrine vs yellow sapphire.


The Warm Embrace of Citrine


Citrine originates from the word citrus lemon in French, Citrine has a history as bright as the sun. It is a type of quartz that is famous for its yellow to brownish-orange color shade. This stone looks like the other spectrum of Lapis Lazuli

Despite the sophistication that characterizes it, it is relatively easy on the eyes, thus appealing to a wide range of jewelry lovers and collectors. We will try to give you all the interesting Citrine properties. 


Origins and Lore


  • Ancient civilizations were particularly fond of Citrine, according to history. Indicatively, the Romans adored it, incorporating it into beautiful, polished gems and fingering-ringed intaglios. 
  • Later on in history, Citrine was used as a merchant stone due to its attributed qualities of attracting wealth and prosperity. Unlike the mysterious history of Larimar stone, Citrine was more active and recognized. 

origins and lore of citrine stone

  • Currently, Brazil, Spain, and Bolivia are considered the major source of Citrine. Today, most sellers use heat-treated violet Amethyst or Smoky Quartz and market them as Citrine. 
  • Raw Citrine is found quite often, and its tone is not as bright as the yellows and oranges that the gemstone gains after heat treatment.


Metaphysical Properties


  • Citrine is known to be the stone of positive energy, joy, and prosperity. It is believed that it has the accord of the sun and in as much as it goes it brings along with it the heat of the sun. 
  • This gemstone is believed to drive away negative energy, promote harmony, and uplift the mood as well as, self-esteem. This harmonic energy of Citrine is similar to the cosmic effects of Mother of Pearl
  • Lastly, Citrine crystal is associated with Solar Plexus Chakra for those who practice chakra healing and it relates to personal power, self-assertion, and manifestation. 
  • Wearing Citrine can also be symbolic of keeping up with the process of positive endeavors, and going for them with the passion that is needed.


Fashion and Wearability


  • Because Citrine crystal can be relatively affordable as well as easily accessible, it remains a suitable gemstone for all kinds of jewelry. 
  • Regardless of the setting, it is enclosed with a delicate band or ornamented on a fine chain as a necklace or glistening on the ears as beautifully crafted earrings. 
  • Citrine has a prestige and aura to it that flawlessly mirrors most skin complexions and fits almost any ensemble.

Fashion and Wearability

  • It ranges between 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale, which is an indicator of its hardness and hence the best material for daily use. 
  • But one has to, of course, abstain from direct exposure to strong sun rays or high temperatures as this leads to the color being washed off.


The Regal Splendor of Yellow Sapphire


In Vedic astrology, Yellow Sapphire is also known as Pukhraj and the gem holds a special place due to its rich appeal. This valuable stone is from the corundum group as is rubies and other types of sapphires.


Origins and Lore


  • To some extent, Yellow Sapphires are discovered in different countries such as Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Thailand. Ideally, the best-quality birds with, allegedly, the purest canary-yellow coloration are produced in Sri Lanka.
  • The abilities of the Yellow Sapphire in this regard are not recent discoveries as gemology history credits the Yellow Sapphire as the gemstone of wisdom and knowledge. 
  • In Hindu astrology, it is related to Jupiter, called the guru of gods, and represents knowledge, richness, and more. 
  • Finally, it has been worn for its horoscope effects it’s a lucky charm that helps in marriage and asks for divine light.


Metaphysical Properties


  • Yellow Sapphire is one of the best stones used in the practice of manifestation and creativity. 
  • It is reported to enhance energy which is why it is used to bring vision and dreams into manifestation. 


  • It is also considered a means to develop mental health, pour special attention to concentration, and intelligence.
  • Regarding the relationship with chakras, Yellow Sapphire is associated with the solar plexus chakra like Citrine stone as well as the third eye chakra, buying clairvoyance and sound judgment.


Fashion and Wearability


  • A Yellow Sapphire stone can be defined as abundant and shiny, making the jewelry items very eye-catching in appearance. 
  • It is more Retailored than Citrine crystal due to its scarcity and demand, and this usually compels the buyers to spend more on it. 
  • Yellow Sapphire can be in the form of a ring or a pendant which can be inherited down the generational chain of prominent families.
  • Situated on the Mohs scale with a rating of 9, Yellow Sapphire is quite hard and only next to the diamond. 
  • This makes it ideal for rings such as engagement, wedding rings, and any other ornaments that are worn daily. Did you know about these Citrine properties?


Choosing Between Citrine and Yellow Sapphire

Therefore, what needs to be determined is whether it is Citrine or Yellow Sapphire that is preferred. I suppose it all depends on the person, the money they are willing to spend, and the characteristics they want in the stone.


Consider Your Intentions

In case you are in search of such a stone that carries the energy of happiness, optimism, and a little assertiveness then Citrine crystal will suit you best. Its jolly tone and meals’ reasonable prices make it a place for people with various budgets.

On the other hand, if it is the spiritual meaning of the gemstone and its association with the principles of knowledge and wealth that you are in search of, then Yellow Sapphire can be your choice of gemstone. It has sesame seed trim, so much luxury, and astrological importance makes it more beautiful.


1) Reflect on Your Style


The cut of the gemstone also influences your decision as well as your fashion sense and how you intend to incorporate the gemstone into your wardrobe. Citrine gemstone can easily complement everyday wear as well as business wear whereas Yellow Sapphire can inadvertently complement statement/ family heirloom pieces of pieces of jewelry.


2) Budget Considerations

Budget is a parameter that most people consider when selecting a particular gemstone. Citrine gemstone since it is cheaper, can get larger and fancy pieces of jewelry without having to spend a lot of money.

Because of its high value, Yellow Sapphire is relatively costly, although this may be fully compensated by the stone’s potential to appreciate over time as well as its firmness.


3) Caring for Your Gemstone

No matter what, choice of gemstone you opt for, it will be important to care for the stone so that it will remain beautiful for many years on end. Cleaning should be done frequently with warm water and soap, and a soft brush for Citrine gemstone and Yellow Sapphire also. 

Do not use aggressive chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners because they may harm Citrine. Properly storing your gemstones is also quite essential or else they will get damaged. Store them inside a soft pocket or a soft-lined jewelry box to help avoid getting them scratched or damaged in any way. There are many interesting Citrine properties to know about. 



All in all, be it the chirpy Citrine or the royal Yellow Sapphire, you are accessorizing with a little piece of the earth’s treasure. All these stones are here with their energy and their particular appeal waiting to enrich your personality and your outlook on fashion.

Enjoy the process of choosing that one gemstone that will be special to you. Nevertheless, based on an understanding of the subject and its spiritual plane, it can be noted that it is in some way connected not only with the beauty of the gemstone itself but also with the relationships and significance that people attribute to it. 

Thus, do not hesitate to wear Citrine or Yellow Sapphire feeling confident with the great golden light they shine to your life. We hope now you can easily decide citrine vs yellow sapphire.



1. What Makes The Citrine Stone So Special? 

This gem is special because it comes from a rich history and interesting lore and consists of many different minerals creating a powerful synergy of energies.

2. How To Wear Citrine In Daily Life?

You can even wear Citrine jewelry so that you carry its healing and transformative qualities with you wherever you go.