Chakras And The Moonstone Gemstone

Chakras And The Moonstone Gemstone
Posted On : 05 Jul

The solar plexus chakra, which is where all of the body's energy converges, is linked to moonstone crystal. It provides enjoyment, vitality, and inner serenity. This chakra directly affects the digestive system's equilibrium. Join us as we explore the chakra meaning of the moonstone and the potential spiritual effects of this gemstone.

In Sanskrit, the word "chakra" means "swirling wheel of energy" or wheel of vital energy. We can think of our chakras as energy wheels through which our energy travels. One or more of our chakras are frequently repressed or overstimulated when we encounter imbalances in our body, mind, or spirit. As a result, energy cannot pass through the wheels freely or run through them too quickly.

It is believed that throughout life, the body and soul are inextricably linked and reflect one another. This link can occasionally be the cause of issues, such as when there is an imbalance or physical discomfort. However, how do the physical and spiritual realms interact within us? The frequencies at which these systems move are entirely different.

In yoga, we speak of spiritual energy portals—through a variety of sophisticated systems—that can change energy between the spiritual and the physical worlds and beyond. They are affixed to the body but are not a part of it. They connect to seven points that are arranged in a row along the spine, one below the other, to form a network that is frequently simplified as the seven most central portals.


Moonstone’s Spiritual Properties 


  • Moonstone benefits include some amazing spiritual metaphysical properties. Moonstone promotes past-life therapies. The gemstone is very helpful for exploring past lives and determining the underlying reasons for current problems. 
  • Moonstone crystal is a shielding stone that deflects bad energy from the aura and wards against psychic attacks. In contrast, the rainbow moonstone aids in severing the bonds holding other people's wants, projections, and emotions to your aura. It can provide fresh ideas, excite the imagination, and soothe an overactive mind.


  • This contemplative gemstone helps us discover our nature and reason for being on this planet. It sheds light on the present while bringing back repressed memories of the past. Rainbow moonstones and other counterparts are a transformational stone that gets the body and soul ready for ascension. 
  • The concept of the "divine feminine"—the maternal feminine force of the cosmos—and this crystal along with Amethyst Gemstone are strongly associated. You can always have a mother figure guiding you in a spiritual form by connecting with this energy.
  • This moonstone crystal is recognized as a stone of protection in addition to its ability to cure emotions. Moonstone was thought to protect travelers in ancient Rome, particularly those who went at night. It also offered hope to people whom a wanderer had abandoned. But arguably the most well-known application and moonstone benefit is in romantic and love-related contexts. It is a long-standing, customary symbol of unending love that can help you accept other people's love and diffuse tension in relationships.


Directions For Linking Moonstone And Your Chakras


Moonstone can be used in a variety of ways to get the intended advantages. 

  • The most popular use is in regular accessories like rings, earrings, bracelets, and necklaces. The moonstone's powers are enhanced and the chakras are promoted when it comes into direct touch with the skin. 
  • Another way you can use it is by keeping it in your left pants pocket or handbag for an additional wear option. You can hold the crystal for a short while during the day and visualize the uplifting energy.

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  • Place a moonstone under your pillow and go to sleep if you want insightful dreams. Put the stone in the middle of your forehead and meditate for thirty minutes every day for a few weeks if your goal is mental strength. 
  • Moreover, like Garnet Stone, it can be applied to the solar plexus and sacral chakras (the second and third, respectively) to ease envious and resentful emotions.
  • To purify water, the stone can also be inserted into filters. As a result, its qualities can function within the body to aid in the treatment of illnesses.


Benefits Of The Moonstone


  • Moonstone, which is related to the crown, third eye, and heart chakras, increases spirituality, decreases stress, and helps the wearer reconnect with the universe's higher energies.
  • Moonstone benefits include opening the heart to passionate, heavenly, and intimate love, healing old traumas, and preparing the person to receive pure, committed love.

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  • To get the benefits of chakra balancing, use the moonstone during meditation over the third eye, head, or heart region. You can wear this crystal as jewelry or keep it behind you while meditating. 
  • Like Opal Stone, Moonstone can open the solar plexus and sacral chakras., which can help release feelings of jealousy, hurt, and resentment. 


Meditation Benefits From Moonstone 


Moonstone crystals can be incorporated into your meditation practice. Even though it very well may be utilized in any chakra, it is most often utilized in the sixth chakra (the front-facing chakra, which is arranged between the eyebrows) and the seventh chakra (the crown chakra, which is situated at the highest point of the head to associate the person to the universe). 

Learn more about this mythical crystal and click on the link, What is Moonstone Gemstone: Price, Color, and Value.  




Moonstone and rainbow moonstone have always been surrounded by a celestial aura that works on thousands of people's chakras and is both melancholy and beautiful. It has enraptured individuals since ancient times given its striking closeness to this notable yet confounding star, which is the main light source that assists us with exploring the evening. 

Browse the jewelry collections at Cabochons For Sale if you are interested in purchasing moonstone jewelry or a moonstone crystal.


Frequently Asked Questions


1.  Is Moonstone A Gemstone?

Moonstone is a genuine gemstone. It has a place with the orthoclase feldspar family.

2.  What Sets Rainbow Moonstone Apart From Moonstone? 

 To the everyday wearer - not much. The rainbow moonstone is a transparent labradorite. Both of these gemstones belong to the moonstone family and hence the metaphysical properties are somewhat similar.

3.  Can You Wear Moonstone Jewelry Every Day? 

 Yes, this gemstone can be worn every day.