Posted On : 31 Jul

Ethiopian opals set so well into jewelry, shimmering with colors that hypnotize any heart. Very few know how to take care of such lovely gems. Whether you are an opal newbie or a seasoned jewelry lover, knowing how to treat your Ethiopian opal stone can do wonders. 

Below, we'll dive deeper into some helpful tips and tricks for the aftercare of your opal jewelry to keep it stunning for many more years.


There is a great deal of history and culture tied to Ethiopian opal meaning. It is said that the stones bring creativity, enhance imagination, and offer protection. Besides, they are believed to have healing properties, making them quite popular with people who value the spiritual side of their gemstones.

Ethiopian fire opal is a variety that holds a warm, fiery glow, giving an added layer of sensuality to this already strangely fascinating stone. Another rare variety is the Ethiopian black opal with dramatic dark backgrounds that flash with bright color.

 Ethiopian opal stone




Before getting to the tips for care, let's take a second to appreciate what really makes these Ethiopian opal stones so special: their vivid play-of-color. This will show a color play in the opal when viewed at different angles. 

That distinguishes Ethiopian opals from other gemstones like Amethyst, or Pearl. However, great beauty requires great responsibility—caring for these gemstones properly to maintain their charisma.

Want to learn more about this beautiful stone? Do read the blog on "10 Awesome Facts About Opal Gemstones" and the properties of opal gemstones.




Fragility and Composition

Ethiopian opals are softer and more delicate compared to many other gemstones like moonstone. They lie between 5.5 and 6.5 on the Mohs scale, meaning they scratch easily or may incur damage. Unlike other harder gemstones, such as aquamarine, Ethiopian opals can sometimes be a little more prone to shattering if they are not handled properly.


Water Content

What is probably most interesting about Ethiopian opal stones is their water content. Ethiopian opals, in their constitution, contain a high amount of water, which can render them relatively easy to crack or craze—form tiny cracks on the surface—under highly unfavorable conditions.


Ethiopian Gmestone


1. Keep away from water

Although this is a bit counterintuitive, with its water content, Ethiopian opals do not handle being in water over long periods. Water may make the opal waterlogged, which can eventually crack the stone. Always remove your Ethiopian opal jewelry when swimming, bathing, or doing the dishes.

2. Avoid extreme temperatures

Sudden temperature changes can be devastating to Ethiopian opal stones. Avoid placing your jewelry in areas where the temperature may significantly alter, such as near window sills or air heaters/air conditioners. This will make the water inside the opal expand or contract, causing breakage.


3. Store Properly

One sure way of preserving the brilliance in your Ethiopian opal jewelry is proper storage. You should store your opals in a soft, padded box for jewelry and away from harder gemstones like Moonstone, amethyst, and pearl. This ensures that no scratches and damages occur. Storing an opal slightly humid may also be good for its water content, not to be dry.


4. Regular Cleaning

Clean the Ethiopian opal jewelry gingerly. Gently rub off dirt or grime with a soft, dampened cloth. Never use harsh chemicals, ultrasonic cleaners, or steam cleaners since this can destroy the highly sensitive structure of an opal. If you would like to make your opal jewelry really shine, it needs frequent, mild cleaning.

5. Direct Sunlight Should Be Avoided

This can result in some extent of fading in the Ethiopian opal stones over long periods of time. To maintain glowing colors that are unchanged in your opal, avoid wearing them when you are going to be under the sun for a longer period.



The Fiery Glow of Ethiopian Fire Opals

Ethiopian fire opals are a variant of the opal, which expresses a fiery play-of-color. Being especially treasured for their bright, warm hues, that range from red via orange to yellow, Ethiopian fire opals require special care, just like any other Ethiopian opal. It is just that the colors in these gems are much more vivid.


The Mysterious Ethiopian Black Opal

Other beautiful types include the dark body tones of Ethiopian black opals, which set the play-of-color apart. These opals are slightly more elusive and need protection from scratches and impacts in order to maintain their beauty.


Opal Stone Price Comparison

The price of the stone will depend on the color, clarity, and size. Ethiopian opals are cheaper than Australian ones; hence, they are quite popular amongst people who love jewelry. However, this quality significantly differs in price. High-quality stones of black opal stones and Ethiopian black opals are pricier because these stones are rarely found and have an attractive look.





  • Know What to Look For: The buyer needs to know what to look for in Ethiopian opal jewelry so that he gets value for money. Consider the play of color and clarity with its general condition. High-quality Ethiopian opals shall have a vivid and constant play of color with very minimal inclusions.
  • Check the Setting: The price of the opal stone can also be determined by the jewelry setting. A good setting should, aside from giving the opal beauty, also offer protection. Ensure the opal is firmly set and that the setting offers a complement to the colors of the stone.
  • Buy from Reputable Sources: This will avoid the least disappointment of not getting Ethiopian opal jewelry of genuine nature. Look for sellers with good feedback and reputation in the industry so you may get a valuable, pure opal stone. 




Special care of Ethiopian opal jewelry requires specific understanding of the properties of such gemstones and necessary precautions aimed at their protection. Using some valuable tips from this blog, you will learn how to keep your Ethiopian opal jewelry as exquisite as it was on the day when you first laid your eyes on it. 

Want to learn more about this beautiful stone? Whether it is in the fiery glow of Ethiopian fire opals or the mystery of Ethiopian black opals, proper care will keep these lovely stones glowing brightly for years to come.

A little care and attention paid to the Ethiopian opal jewelry can yield shades that are capable of captivating any onlooker. Treat your opals with the love and respect they deserve, and see their timeless beauty bring so much more to your collection.