Calabar Tourmaline: Magical Green gem

Calabar Tourmaline: Magical Green gem
Posted On : 08 Jul

In the heart of Africa, where the lush rainforests of Nigeria breathe life into the land, lies a hidden treasure that captivates the soul and dazzles the eyes: Calabar Tourmaline, which is also known as the granite-pegmatite Tourmaline

This large and beautiful gemstone is deep green, replete with all the charm that one associates with gems, thus making it a haven for the adventurous gem lover. This blog has an understanding about Tourmaline Gemstones: Meaning, Types, and Properties


A Journey into the Green


Envision being led through the lush environment of Calabar over the wind and through the beautiful scents of flowers in full bloom. Here, hidden under the warm, velvety earth, the spark of life resides in the beautiful green stone that seems to embody the essence of a forest. 

Calabar gemstone

A gemstone like no other, Calabar Tourmaline boasts of a color range that lies between the emerald green of a mighty river and the subtle green of the new, morning dew.


The Legend of Calabar


Locally there is a folklore that the first Calabar Tourmaline gemstone was found by a journeying tribesman who was looking for an assuaging shelter from the rain one day and in the course of searching for the ostensibly protection, came across a magnificent green stone. 

Surprised by the beauty of the fish, he took it to his village and the wise men noted it to be a divine product. This concept was imbued with magic, and it was assumed that they could give such attributes as prosperity, protection, and balance to the owner.


Nature's Masterpiece


Calabar Tourmaline goes far beyond being simply a material – it is Mother Nature’s finest work. Every pebble that is brought into being by the earth is uniquely breathtaking, with an ethereal heaving that basks in colors that can transform even the simplest of light sources. 

The Calabar Tourmaline leaves come in a different tone of green that is reminiscent of fresh leaves sprouting in spring to large tracts of dense forest with the deepest shade of green., some stones may contain blue or yellow shade, so it also makes stones even more attractive.


The Allure of Green


  • Green is one of the most profound classes that has a significant impact on the human soul. It symbolizes the opposite: life, vitality, and rebirth. 
  • There is still a modern essence of Calabar Tourmaline that manifests itself in the density of the stone; when you hold this piece in your hand, you feel the heartbeat of the entire planet. 
  • It reminds you of the stone sculptures that depict the natural beauty and serenity out there in the world. There are also many tourmaline benefits. 
  • Calabar Tourmaline is gifted in a small pendant, in a bright ring, or the earrings look very fragile and clear and this look has a magic feeling of the calmness of nature.


The Art of Gem Cutting


The process of cutting a crude Calabar Tourmaline to its final glorious finish is a blend of craftsmanship and technicalities that aim at revealing the exquisite beauty hidden in the gem. 

Calabar stones

The specialists also do not neglect their calling and carefully grind through the rough to reveal the unique beauty of the gemstone and sparkle. This makes it possible to create a piece of jewelry that can afford to glitter with life and reflect light in a befitting manner.


A Symbol of Elegance

As a gemstone, Calabar Tourmaline displays elegance and sophistication to those who own and cherish it. Due to its beautiful colors and the fact that it serves as a good backdrop for these stones, it has become popular among jewelers and collectors. 

Because the green gem at its core remains the focus of the design, it easily complements any metal or setting; whether in traditional yellow gold and platinum, new age silver and rose gold. As a ring, earrings, pendant, or even incorporated quietly into a bracelet, a necklace, or a wristlet, Calabar Tourmaline gives a touch of elegance to the outfit.


Healing and Metaphysical Properties

Aside from its exquisite physical appearance, Calabar Tourmaline crystal is also considered an item that has a healing and metaphysical element. One of its effects is to reduce levels of stress, thus helping people achieve enhanced levels of emotional stability as well as creativity. 

The tint of the stone contributes to the process of relegating negative thoughts and leaves the holder in a physically and mentally stable state. In historical periods, people used this green gem as an anti-Nazar and to protect themselves and their homes against bad powers.


The Green Revolution

Over the past years, there has been a trend in which people are looking forward to buying colored gemstones and Calabar Tourmaline crystal shares its niche in this green craze. Gems dealers are attracted to this gem by its color and scarcity among other factors hence placing it in the category of gemstones in the jewelers’ market. 

With people increasingly getting to know how beautiful the gemstone is, demand as well as the value for Calabar Tourmaline gemstone increases.

if you are interested in Black Tourmaline, read: Black Tourmaline Everyday Uses and Properties.

Caring for Your Calabar Tourmaline


  • However for your Calabar Tourmaline to remain attractive there is a need to take ample amount of care of it. 
  • To be more precise, this gemstone is a bit hard and sensitive to other harder materials which may scratch it if used inappropriately. 

Calabar stone online at best price

  • Be careful not to submerge it in strong solutions or heat it because that can cause damage, and when not working on the bracelet green gem is placed in a soft cloth or a jewelry box. 
  • This is especially important if it has come into contact with any food products, and it should be washed with mild soap and warm water daily This will help to keep it shiny and polished.


A Gem of Sustainable Beauty


Modern society is becoming more sensitive to the use of environmentally friendly products and services and the use of genuine gemstones that have been sourced through socially responsible means has turned out to be the order of the day. 

Calabar Tourmaline crystal is mined in harmony with the nature and people of Africa and does not bring the ugly side of the mining activities such as pollution of the environment and harm to the people of the region. 

In wearing Calabar Tourmaline, one is getting more than a piece of jewelry; one is also getting a product carved out of a sustainable model that addresses the triple bottom line of economics, society, and the environment. There are too many tourmaline benefits to count.


The Timeless Appeal

Calabar Tourmaline is unique and non-ornate; thus, it is not associated with fashion trends or development. Nonetheless, the timeless appeal associated with this item is easy to understand, especially if one takes into consideration its inherent natural appearance as well as its ability to reconnect with the ground. 

This beautiful gem is passed through generations within families and friend circles whenever humans wish to give a gift of a lifetime or a family heirloom, Calabar Tourmaline jewelry will be the best gift to give. The many tourmaline benefits also give it this appeal. 




To stand in the world, not unlike a diamond among coal, there is Calabar Tourmaline that shines with natural elegance. Another quality that one cannot help but admire in this gemstone is its lush green shade, history, and enchanting appeal. 

In the context of the journey of discovery that you are about to begin, may Calabar Tourmaline’s mesmerizing beauty be your compass, and, in its entrancing heart, may the same enchantment that captured lips and souls centuries ago be found. 




1. How to recharge my Calabar Tourmaline Crystals?

Your crystal can be recharged by putting it in the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours, you can also leave it overnight with other crystals and it will be recharged by the morning.

2. How do I activate my Calabar Tourmaline?

To activate your gemstone, in the night, keep it under the moonlight and state your expectations and what you want from it.