Blue Moonstone Revealed: Meaning And Benefits
Posted On : 28 Jun

The serene blue hue of Blue Moonstone makes this gemstone unique. The blue color and luster of this gemstone make it a favored choice for gemstones because it looks exquisite. Of the many benefits of blue moonstone one notable benefit is how it affects health. In Hindi or Vedic astrology moonstone or rainbow moonstone is also well-known as Chandramani or Chandrakanta.

This Blog demonstrates the meaning, properties, and benefits of Blue Moonstone. 

Meaning Of Blue Moonstone

In many cultures, faiths, and spiritual approaches, incorporating feng shui, the moon symbolizes the heavenly feminine. Moonstone's spiritual meaning unites you with nature's processes and tells you that every life has ups and downs.

  • Blue Moonstone helps you comprehend others' viewpoints, promoting empathy and compassion. As a consequence, you may use your improved intuitive capabilities to make adequate decisions.
  • Rainbow Moonstone's yin energy is seen by its contemplative part, receptivity to new learning, and intimate relation with the unconscious. Moonstone also facilitates self-awareness and emotional healing by encouraging the feminine energy of imagination and instinct.
  • Moonstone's soothing energy inspires regeneration, creativity, and motherly protection. It aids in relieving and calming physical and emotional strain.
  • Peeking at your ambiance in a moonstone's reflection can give you worthy information about your relationships and health.

Properties Of Blue Moonstone

Blue moonstone crystals can help you find your inner feminine energy, which is the center of all healing.

Your blue moonstone's therapeutic effect will get stronger as its transparency and intelligence develop. The moon, with its soothing and positive energy, will give you the assurance and stability you need to revamp your strength.

Blue moonstone benefits can alleviate chakras similar to amethyst while warding off negativity, letting you overpower challenges. It will let you attain a state of harmony between your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual self.

Blue moonstones can aid with aging as well. It can furthermore support development in children and teens, both mentally and physically. Moreover, it can also help lower the aging of your skin, eyes, hair, and internal organs.

Blue Moonstone

Blue Moonstone Benefits In Emotional Healing

After you are habitual in using blue moonstones, your soul will be prepared to accept greater love. With this, the energies of this gemstone will help you open your caring qualities.

Blue or Rainbow moonstones both are calming stones that help you in connections by maintaining a low profile. It is said to bring you many advantages. Also, using this process can aid you in managing your feelings better and support your determination.

This beautiful blue stone can also help you find a new beloved. To attain this metaphysical aspect of moonstone you can wear this stone as a love charm and this will help you win back the love you have pushed away.

Blue Moonstone Benefits In Physical Healing

The blue moonstone is a gemstone that is mentioned to have estranged powers. Nevertheless, you will benefit from a moonstone if you want to overpower hardship and go on the right path.

Moonstone crystal allows you to concentrate while improving mental clarity, meditation, and inner sight. Likewise, it is advantageous to consider the lessons that life has to present.

Moonstones are also said to help in women's fertility by functioning with their body's innate energy cycles and altering their biological rhythms.

It furthermore can help to mend a wholesome hormonal balance and decrease fluid retention. In this matter, the blue moonstone's rehab properties are exactly proportional to its luminance and radiance.

Find out more information by clicking on What is Moonstone Gemstone? Price, Color, and Value

Blue Moonstone

Why You Should Wear A Moonstone Crystal

This semi-precious gemstone has numerous advantages. Here are a few moonstone benefits that you might feel while wearing it:-

  • As the moon impacts the mind, this gem is perfect for meditation, relaxation, and peace. If you solely touch a Blue Moonstone to your eyes, you will feel a cooling sensation.
  • It is perfect for those who mourn from absurd anxiety, pain, or lack of confidence. People who have the Moon in Scorpio should choose a Blue Moonstone.
  • It is an amazing gemstone for facilitating emotional harmony.
  • In many civilizations, it is well understood as "The Lovers Gemstone" since it helps to find real love like rose quartz.
  • It facilitates the rehabilitation of a wholesome sleep pattern. People who suffer from insomnia and any sleeping disorder should keep a Blue Moonstone under their pillow at night.
  • It enables men to handle their needless anger just because it includes Yin energy.
  • It is a useful gemstone for feminine energy since it enables the balance of hormones. It relieves distress during menstruation and baby delivery.
  • Blue Moonstone assists with nosebleeds and safeguards against sunburn. It helps with digestion.
  • It helps clear the lymphatic procedure. It enables the pituitary gland. It is said to be the gemstone of Fertility.


Blue Moonstone carries similar meaning and energy to its counterpart but is linked more with the moon, insight & intuition. It is said to be good for one's psychic abilities and helps one with expanding their consciousness. It is believed that the stone has a calming energy that is said to bring balance and peace to emotions, which can ultimately help to build a bridge between your emotions and intuition. Get your hands on this amazing crystal from Cabochons for sale.

Blue Moonstone


What Are The Metaphysical Properties Of Blue Moonstone?

It provides emotional balance and peace. This is an effective small exercise to decrease mental stress and anxiety. Lessons Ego control and supports connection to your inner Higher Self and intuition. This is an empowering stone for anyone who aspires to advance in their spiritual capabilities and inner growth.

How To Take Care Of Blue Stone Moonstone Stone?

Full Moon Light helps you recharge your energies and keep them youthful. Moreover, Blue Moonstone should be kept separate from other harder stones to avoid scratches. Keep it safe in a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box.